Thank You Frank!

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A/N: Hey guys, first one-shot :) Enjoy

Lynn Jackson, daughter of Poseidon and biological sister of her big brother Percy Jackson. She's fought monsters, fought for her life, and seen her brother angry, but something happened she can't even explain.

Lynn's POV

After a really loud night at the campfire, Chiron said to go to bed early, or at least earlier. I think the old centaur was just worried because the Hermes Cabin and Hecate Cabin were whispering and giggling. I would be worried too.

"Hey Percy!" I yelled to my brother.

He would have been next to me, but Annabeth convinced him to sit over with her friends at the Athena Cabin, I thought bitterly.

I shook my head to clear those thoughts.

Both he and Annabeth turned my way and waved. Percy gave Annabeth one last kiss and he headed over to me. I stifled a giggle those to were definitely Aphrodite's OTP.

He gave me a complete poker face, knowing what I was thinking about.

"What you giggling about Lynn?" Percy asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You and Annabeth," I giggled. "I bet you're Aphrodite's OTP."

He stuck his tongue out at me and quickly tickled my sides. I let out a squeak of surprise.

"Percy you know I'm ticklish!" I yelled and slapped his hands.

He stopped and smirked. "You better watch yourself Miss, because I could say the same thing about you and Leo."

My smiling stopped and my faced got really red.

"That's different," I mumbled. "Wait how do you even know that!"

"It's getting late, we should probably go to our cabin now," Percy pointed out, changing the subject.

"Fine," I grumbled. "But your still telling me!"


"So my dear brother who told you?" I asked, sitting up my bed.

"Piper," he answered and grinned.

"Remind me never to tell her this stuff!" I moaned and flopped over onto my bed.

"Anything wrong Lynn?" Percy asked.

"My stomach really hurts," I said holding it.

"Well you should get some rest, you'll feel better," Percy responded flipping the lights off. "Oh and Lynn."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Frank and Hazel are coming tomorrow," he said simply.

I woke up and my stomach wasn't hurting, but the pillow suddenly got really big. I stretched out and yawned, but I heard a meow and my hand it had ginger fur?

I look at my body and I'm a kitten! I scrambled over to Percy, prodding him with my paws. He shifted over and opened his eyes.

"What's a cat doing in here?" He asked. "Lynn did you let cat in here?"

"Percy it's me!" I hissed (no pun intended).

He looked at me, not sure what do do and said," Stay there."

I sat down.

After a quick catnap (ok, pun intended) I heard a knock on the door. I lifted my head and opened one eye.

"Percy!" I yelled, but it came off as a loud meow.

He came out from the bathroom and got the door.

Frank, Hazel, Jason, Annabeth, Piper, and Leo stood at the door.

Percy smiled. He invited them to come in.

"What's a cat doing here and where's Lynn?" Annabeth asked.

"I really have no idea," Percy answered.

"Frank do you think you can turn into a cat and talk to this one," Leo laughed.

"Actually that wouldn't be such a bad idea," Annabeth said.

Frank shrugged and turned into a black and white cat.

"Frank!" I yelled. "Thank the gods! I'm Lynn and I think the Hecate Cabin did something!"

Frank nodded and transformed back into himself.

"It's Lynn," he said.

"How did my sister turn into a cat!" Percy practically yelled.

"Well I think she's cutest cat I've ever seen," Leo said and sat me on his lap and got to stroke my back. Which I had no objection to. But Percy of course had to butt in.

"Just because my sister's a cat, still doesn't mean you can do that," Percy warned Leo and took me off his lap.

I growled at him and scooted over next to where Leo was sitting. Percy just folded his arms. Annabeth scooped me up.

"Come on, I'm pretty sure the Stoll brothers will know what's going on," Annabeth suggested and everyone went out of the cabin.

"What did you do to her!" Percy yelled at Travis, or was it Connor?

"Do to wh-" Travis said and stopped looking a me. "Oh, her."

The other Stoll brother produced a vial of purple liquid and tossed it to Percy.

"Just make Lynn drink that, but be careful that stuff tastes nasty!" Connor explained shuddering.

Percy lifted the vial to my mouth and I drank all of it. Man did it ever have a vial taste (no pun intended -_-. Leo: Whale! Me: Leo get out of here it's my story *shoves*). I felt myself transforming back into me.

I looked at my hands and they were mine.

"Thank you Frank!" I yelled hugging him. "Wait."

I looked at the Stoll brothers and glared.

"I forgive you guys," I said sickeningly sweet. I inched closer to both of them, and grabbed their wrists lightning fast.

"Don't ever do that again!" I growled and judo flipped them. They scrambled up and ran out of the Hermes Cain.

I smiled and all of the seven smiled at what I had done. Leo slipped his arm around my shoulder.

"Remind me never to make you mad," he said.

I smiled, I had such wonderful friends.

A/N: I like that one :) Anyway don't forget to vote, comment, and favorite. Oh and if you want to see a specific one-shot please put it down in the comments ⤵️

~Daughter of Athena


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