Put to Shame by These Flames

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Ok, this joke is really corny because my friend Blazingfire and I are very punny, get it? No, stop it? I guess I deserve that. So anyway for our Language Arts class we had to write a narrative and I was ecstatic. I love writing, obviously (why else would I be on here, well I guess to read, but that's not the point) so it was fun to write, minus the nights I spent up tediously writing on paper to turn in the next day. 

Unfortunately we also had to illustrate these narratives and I like drawing, but I'm not very good and I'm a perfectionist when it comes to drawing. So Blazingfire wrote her story on firefights and she made a burning house with dogs outside and I fire truck. 

It was a rough draft and she didn't really care her flames looked a bit odd and the roof wasn't connected to the house. Being the PJO/HoO freak I am I made a reference. 

"I think you offended Leo with that drawing," I laughed. 

"Well I don't care," she responded in a weird voice and continued to draw laughing at what I had said. She paused and looked up. "I'm pretty sure he's the one who put this house on fire."

"Percy will save everyone with his epic powers!" I yelled. By this time everyone in class was looking at us, but they already knew we were crazy so kept working silently while we were being idiots for awhile. 

She just laughed and went back to drawing. I was amused with myself but went back to my writing. My hand was starting to cramp, really badly. 

Later Gaby wrote on a sticky note 'I put Leo Valdez to shame with these flames.' 

After that I completely lost it and started laughing hysterically. I'm surprised no one even cared. Blazingfire and I were just cracking up and our teacher gave us a skeptical look. I think he knew we weren't working...

Afterwards we showed our other friend (band_lovr) and she really didn't get the reference because she's not a fan, but she laughed anyway because she picked up one or two things from our endless ranting. 

So remember when you ever draw fire, 'I put Leo Valdez to shame with these flames.' Someone should meme that...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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