Truth or Dare

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A/N: Hey guys! This is more like a teaser for an upcoming story I'm currently writing. If you like it and want me to continue say so in the comments.

"Percy!" Lynn yelled across the clearing, catching up with her brother.

"Yeah Lynn?" Percy asked stopping.

"What are the Stoll brothers doing in our cabin!" Lynn fumed.

"Well we're playing truth or dare and I was going to get Annabeth," Percy answered and shrugged.

"Oh," Lynn said. "Can I play?"

"Sure," Percy answered. "Why don't you get everyone and meet me back at our cabin?"

"Sure!" Lynn yelled jogging to go get her friends.


Lynn pushed open the door to her cabin with Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel, and Frank behind her. She saw the Stoll brothers, Percy and Annabeth in a small circle making room for their other friends. Everyone paired off and it left Lynn and Leo to sit next to each other. Shooting, a smirking Piper, a glare sat down in between Leo and Piper.

"Hello everyone!" Connor greeted. "Let's get this friendly game of Truth or Dare started."

Everyone groaned when he said friendly and Connor just smirked. Lynn realizing this was a really bad idea with Piper here, piped up.

"Erm guys," Lynn piped. "Won't Chiron be mad if we skip our afternoon activities?"

"Oh come on Lynn. We're just playing Truth or Dare, what could possibly go wrong?" Leo asked.

"Fine," Lynn mumbled. "If we get in trouble, watch your back."

"So Lynn," Travis chimed, smirking. "Truth or Dare?"

Lynn mentally slapped herself.

Why did I have to open my big mouth, Lynn thought.

"Dare!" Lynn exclaimed.

"Ok," Travis said. "I dare you to judo flip everyone that's ever ticked you off."

"Oh that's easy!" Lynn laughed. "Can I start with you?"

"And kiss anybody that you've ever liked or has flirted with you," Travis finished.

"Just in this circle right?" Lynn asked.

Travis nodded.

"Fine, everyone get in a line!" Lynn ordered.

Everyone did as they were told, grumbling slightly.

"Ok Leo come here," Lynn asked and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

Both of them turned a bright red and Lynn quickly judo flipped him onto a table breaking it.

"What was that for Lynn?" Leo asked groaning trying to get up.

"Well you both tick me off, flirt with me and I like you," Lynn answered.

"Oh. Wait what?" Leo asked.

Lynn ignored his question and judo flipped everyone and kissed Jason lightly on the cheek.

That time Piper was the one to object.

"Jason care to explain?" Piper asked him.

Jason was about to say something, but Lynn beat him to it.

"Do you really want to know Piper?" Lynn asked nervously.

"Please," Piper said sweetly. "Enlighten me."

That darn charm-speak, Lynn thought.

"Before I came to Camp Half-Blood, I was at Camp Jupiter," Lynn responded. "You all know that though. Anyway, I used to like Jason and I don't know if he liked me. I told him right before he disappeared and I just accepted the fact that I may never see him again and he probably liked Reyna."

Everyone was silent after that.

Travis broke the silence. "Ok Connor your turn."

"Annabeth, truth or dare?" Connor asked.

"Truth," she answered.

"Ok, were you tempted to kill Rachel for making a move on Percy?" Connor asked.

"Yes," Annabeth answered.

Percy looked stunned.

"Umm, ok," Frank said breaking the awkward silence that filled the air.

"Jason's turn," Lynn said.

"Ok, Frank truth or dare?" Jason asked.

"Dare, how bad could it be?" Frank answered shrugging.

"I dare you to turn into a puppy and go into the Aphrodite Cabin," Jason dared.

"Oh great," Frank muttered and turned into a pug dog.

Everyone followed Frank to the Aphrodite Cabin and pulled out a camera.

"Wait Connor where did you get these?" Lynn asked.

"Oh, I've been planning this with Jason for days," Connor snickered peering in the window holding a camera.

When Frank walked in all the girls cooed at him and put a satin bow on his ear and a small dog sized red lace dress. He quickly scrambled out of the pink cabin and turned back into himself. He ripped off the bow and threw the dress away.

"Remind me never to underestimate Jason," Frank mumbled to Hazel and trudged back to the Poseidon Cabin.


After that, Piper asked Lynn if she liked Leo and Lynn replied with a very quiet yes, a red Leo, and bright red face.

"Haha," Lynn said still very red. "Now it's my turn. Piper truth or dare?"

"Dare," Piper answered. "I doubt you could come up with anything good."

"Go to the Aphrodite Cabin and ask for Makeover #27," Lynn said smiling.

Piper walked over to her own cabin and asked her sister Lacy.

Everyone gladly did it. They picked out a pink lacy dress with a giant ribbon. Put full makeup on her and sprayed her down with something.

"Lacy what was that?" Piper asked spitting out some of the blue gel.

"Oh, it makes it last for a week," she replied simply. "If you didn't want the holding gel you could've asked for Makeover #26."


Piper angrily walked back to the Poseidon Cabin. She opened the door and glared at Lynn. She sat back down and Lynn turned to her.

"Oh Pipes it's not that bad," Lynn said.

"Don't call me that," Piper asked.

"Fine you win," Lynn laughed, holding her hands up in a mock surrender. "Now I believe it's Leo's turn."

Leo rubbed his hands together and smirked. "Who will be the Supreme Commander of the Argo II's first victim?"

A/N: So tell me if you want it to continue down in the comments. Also don't forget to vote, comment, and favorite. Bye 😃

~Daughter of Athena

Or Lightningdust

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