Chapter 3 🌹

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No one pov
Time: 4 am
Location: Yaya room

Yaya woke up from her nightmare that she just had. Her face was sweating and her legs were shaking in fear, She not supposed to have that kind of nightmare.

In her dream/nightmare

At first, she had a nice dream bout all her friends and her was celebrating on their last mission on protecting or take the power sphera from the bad guy and then suddenly, as she blink again, she see that everything were destroyed.

She saw that all her friend were dying and all the place is fill with blood.

She look around and see someone that was a few meter from her 'you should never touch the power sphera if you follow what your father say and you shouldn't received the power because you were useless! Look what you did Yaya' .

The person point at Yaya and Yaya just stare at her/him in shock while crying.

'Im sorry everybody and you right, im just a useless person because I can't even control myself or even protect them.' Yaya say to the person in front of her while crying.

'I can't believe that you cannot even hiding something important properly, I thought that you might be useful for the future because you were the choosen one but sadly, I was wrong' The person say to Yaya with a sarcasm tone.

End of dream/nightmare

Yaya look around her serounding if there were some damage that happened like in her dream but there doesn't even have any trace of damage, not a bit.

She decide to go to the kitchen to grab some water and then see if her friends was still in clinic bed.

The kitchen was dark because everyone is still asleep at that time, she drink 2 cup of water and she also take the water bottle with her.

After 5 minutes walking from kitchen to the clinic, she already arrived and she ask the nurse if she can meet her friend that were badly injured.

Yaya make her way to her friend room and she sigh in relief that they all were still here and safe, she were bout to go until someone call her.

"Yaya?" The boy ask, then Yaya turn around and see that it was her friend or Crush Boboiboy.

She sit near his bed and greet him "Hey boboiboy, sorry if I were disturbing your sleep" she said and then Boboiboy chuckles a bit.

"Don't worry, what were you doin at here Yaya?" Yaya look at him and sigh, she answer.

"I just had a nightmare so I went to get some water and im just thinking on seeing you guys" Yaya smile, she was telling the truth tho.

Boboiboy smile and then ask her again "How can you heal yourself that fast Yaya, I mean all of us were highly damage" Yaya knew that this will coming but she said.

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