chapter 6💫

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The ride is not to long for them to arrive at the celestial planet.

They all have ready to face whatever come to them same as yaya fairy guardian, they all except captain Kaizo go out of the spaceship and begin to search the power sphera.

"where was the gelbot located again?" Gopal ask as he rub his neck.

"there should be around here" Fang answer while looking everywhere for the gelbot.

They all walk for a minute and saw many old dead body of the warrior and alien.

"he not here" the fairy guardian say as she told Yaya that her father is still around here, yaya nod and fly if she can see anything from up there.

She found something shiny in the dirt and decide to tell her friend.

"there was something shiny not far away from here" Yaya say to her friend and them where she found it, suddenly there is someone stop them from goin to the power sphera.


"You can't go there if you fight me first" the old man say as he reveal his face and that shock Yaya and her fairy guardian a bit.

"but we have to get it back to proctect it!" Ying say as she pointed at the power sphera.

"I shall not let the old time happen again" the old man say as he take his sword that has fire on it.

"there is a kid that touch the gelbot right?" Boboiboy ask as he already knew what happened.

"how did you know bout it " the man say in a harsh and sad tone because he has to send his daughter away to proctect her.

"I'm pretty sure you would hurt you own daughter, right father?" Yaya say as she look into her father eyes that were shock same as her friend face.

"my daughter was on earth!" The man yell at Yaya as he ready to fight her.

"it's not my fault of Touching the gelbot when I was kid, plus I don't even get caught as well that time" Yaya say as she being half proud of herself and then the man lower his sword and begin to ask questions.

"what is y'all name?" Boboiboy step in front of Yaya and intruding all them.

"I'm boboiboy, the pigtails hair is Ying while the purple clothes is fang and the thick on is Gopal" Boboiboy say as he point each of his friend.

"do you have power and who is that two?" He say as he point at Yaya and her Fairy guardian.


"We have power that been given by power sphera call ochobot but it can take our power away as we all take off our watch, the hijab one is Yaya and next to her is her Fairy guardian!" Boboiboy answer as he point at those 2 and the man was shock but still want to verify if she was his real daughter.

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