8. Are we meant to be together

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The day of his arrival has come. I picked the best worked chudithar and wore it. I had clipped my hair. Everything was ready. I kept on staring at the doors. With each bell, I rushed towards the door to get disappointed seeing someone. Dad and Mom looked at me as if I've gone crazy. When I heard the door bell rang, my dad asked me to be seated so that he can check the door.

I hesitantly agreed to him.  He checked the door but said nothing. I kept on calling dad to know who is it. Within minutes, I saw Vimal entering inside our hall along with my dad. I felt struck to the place. I didn't know how to react. I wanted to see him as it looked like we've met ages ago. Suddenly I  felt mad at him for not texting me regularly. But then I wanted to spend time with him. Noticing my mixed emotions, Mom asked him to be seated as I've completely forgotten that.

He spoke a lot with my parents. They didn't expect him to communicate freely. He then informed them about his interest to marry me. He promised him that his father would travel here the next week for formally requesting the marriage. They both liked him. They had a good name which spoke highly of their business and family. The most surprising matter was he spoke everything in my native language. He was so good at it. I just awed at him. That just increased my anger as he didn't reveal that he knows Tamil. My parents asked him for a week to consider this. They were almost convinced and just needed some time.

After some time, I informed them that I'm gonna show him places around. When I came out, he asked me to get in his car.

'So he came in this car' I thought to myself. But didn't say to him.

I moved to my two wheeler parked. I took out the stand and became ready to drive it. He just looked at me quizzically. I signaled him to sit behind me. He understood that I'm not in a good mood. So he hesitantly looked around before sitting backwards. A smile started playing on my lips at instant.

I rode at higher speed which made him hold me. I enjoyed teasing him. He realised this after a while and started hugging me from behind. That's it. My whole body froze and I stopped my bike immediately. He pretended to ask me naively about what's wrong.

It was an highway. I parked my bike towards the side and sat there on a slab. He sat beside me.

"Pooja, what's wrong?" He asked slowly.

I leaned on his shoulders and said, " Why didn't you text me? I waited long hours for your calls and messages. I missed you".

He looked into my eyes deeply and spoke, "I missed you too. I wanted to surprise you and your parents. So I learned to speak your language. It took me so many days. I didn't mean to make you feel sad".

I became dumbfounded. Did he learn to speak the language just for me? The move touched my heart. I didn't know what to say. I felt so special. I haven't done anything for him. But he is something more than I've imagined to be.

"So am I forgiven?" He asked with pleading eyes. I hugged him from side. He reminded me that it's a public place. I asked him to drive with me behind. It felt to be a endless travel. 

Days went by stopping for none. My parents gave their approval. But I and Vimal waited for our graduation. We both had different pathways. After we got placed in our favorable positions, we decided to get married. Until that, we enjoyed different phases of love. Everything went like our dreams.

So yes, we are meant to be together.


Hey guys,

Hope you love the story. This is my first try as a novel in English . Please don't forget to share your views.

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