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Arthit's POV

As Kong told.. I and Em bought Asnee and Dara down after helping them to freshen up a little. When I reached down.. I saw Kong and May were in the kitchen while others were in the living room. They started playing with Dara and Asnee as soon as I settle Dara and Asnee near them. 

I was also about to play but my phone rang. It was from my parents.. I haven't told them about anything further ..After the last call.. i haven't given any further information to them.. So I answered the call as I walked to the backyard. 

"Swadee Khab Mae, Pa." I said as I lift the call.
"Oh really.. Arthit.. it's been more than a month you contacted us.. don't you at least remember us.?" Ma shouted at me.
"I am sorry Mae.. it is just that many things kept happening in the past month." I said.
"We know.. so how is it going on? " Pa said.

"Khab Pa. We made a progress in project and our bond also" I said.
"Oh.. by the way how is it working with him..?" Mae asked.
"It is very good Mae.. he is really intelligent and sharp.. and his way of thinking is also amazing.." I said and stopped.

"Tell us everything that happened Arthit." Pa and Ma said and they sounded pretty curious.
I started explaining about everything that happened since the first day I saw Kong again but I haven't mentioned about Dara or Asnee yet.

"That is great Arthit.. I am glad you found your love and happiness again.. just make sure to hurt him again.. and if you hurt him this time.. I myself will teach you a lesson." Ma warned me. 
"Mae.. Pa.. have you ever thought about being grandparents.?" I asked hesitantly not knowing how to approach the topic.

"To be frank we always wanted to Arthit.. and even now sometimes I do feel.. but Arthit there is nothing important to us than your happiness.. And now that we know your happiness lies with Kongpob.. you better cherish him properly." Ma said.
"Ma.. Pa.. what if I say Kongpob can get pregnant.?" I asked seriously.
"Wait.. Arthit.. you can't joke like that.." Pa said strictly. I took a deep breath.

"Pa.. Ma.. I am not lying.. Kong was 1week pergnant when he left me.. and those things happened.. and now we have two kids .. a boy and a girl who are 5yrs old.."  I said.
"You aren't joking right..?! Arthit if you are then this the worst one. I am not liking it." Pa said.

"No Pa.. I am serious.." I said. And then explained to them about how the accident happened and how I can to know the truth. They were shocked and went silent for a whole minute. I kept praying that they would accept the fact.

"Arthit.. we are really happy.. can we please meet our grandchildren.. please Arthit.." Mae said breaking the silence. Tears rolled out in relief. I got stratled when I felt a hand wiping away those tears.. It was Kong and the smile on his face says that he heard evrything and is very happy.

"Arthit.. son are you there.?" My por's voice bought me back but I was still unable to speak anything. I was more confused when Kong took the phone from my hand.
"Swadee Khab Mr. and Mrs. Rojnapath.. P'Arthit seems to be too shocked to respond.. And I promise to make you meet your grandchildren soon." He said while I was looking at his face.

"Oh.. Please call us Mom and Dad.. you are our another son." My Por said.
"Khab Dad." Kong said shyly as his ears became red. I gave him a peck on his ears as I puuled him closer to me.
"Mae.. we will come there soon.. with our children." I took the phone and said.
"Okay Son.. please call us evry now and then.. don't you dare forget about us." Mae warned before we cut the call.

"Thank you Phi." Kong said.
"Why..?" I asked him.
"I was worried about your parents reaction.. thank you for clearing it before itself." He said with a smile.
"Then.. can I get a reward.?" I asked with a teasing smile.. but I was surprised when he himself gave me a peck on my lips. But he was already walking inside before I could even realize what happened. I grinned widely as I ran inside behind him.

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