Chapter 1: The Prank

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(A/N in this story the male cheerleader will be wearing the female cheer uniforms bc i think we know male cheer uniforms are ugly af)

"KuroBro, Iwaizumi, Sakusa hurryyy upp!" yelled Bokuto impatiently. 

"We're going as fast as we can! You're not the one lugging two buckets of WATER! You not even doing any of the work!" Iwaizumi yelled back clearly annoyed. 

"Hey! I AM! I'm holding the ketchup and feathers thank you very much!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." replied Sakusa in the "I'm done with your bullshit" voice.

Iwaizumi, Sakusa, Kuroo, and Bokuto had come up with a "brilliant" plan the night before. Well...brilliant would be a bit of a stretch. Actually Iwaizumi and Sakusa didn't even come up with it, Kuroo and Bokuto did. The both of them were merely dragged along.

There "plan" was to wait for the cheerleaders at their university to walk out of the gym, and the proceed to pour a bucket of water on them, squirt ketchup on their uniforms and to top it all off....feathers.

So there they where. Standing by the gym door and waiting, 5 minutes passed, and then 5 minutes turned to 10, and then 10 turned to 20. After they hit the 20 minute mark, all of them heard, what sounded like 5 different cheerleaders.







"Both of you cut it out!"




But there conversation was soon over when they opened the door and was rudely interrupted with cold water, ketchup, and feathers. All four of them looked up to see a cat and an owl laughing their asses off and two others who were rolling their eyes and shaking their heads in distaste.

The rest of their team walked out the door only to see their fellow teammates wet, covered in feathers, with their costumes now ruined.

Kenma, Oikawa, Atsumu, Suga, and Akaashi were frozen. Well I mean, who can really blame them? They were shocked, but that shock soon faded, and was morphed into anger. Oikawa, Suga, Kenma, and Atsumu where fuming. Fuming would be an massive understatement. 

"YOU SICK SON OF A BITCHES!" Oikawa yelled enraged.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" shrieked Atsumu.


"THESE UNIFORMS ARE EXPENSIVE!" Suga yelled horrified.

Kuroo and Bokuto soon stopped laughing when they realized how angry these cheerleaders actually where. Iwaizumi and Sakusa however started chuckling when they thought about how screwed Bokuto actually is when Akaashi gets to him.

The rest of the cheerleaders tried their best to remain calm, because they could practically feel the dark aura radiating off of Akaashi right now.  


And in that moment Bokuto and Kuroo knew they fucked up. Akaashi never called Bokuto by his first name. It was always "Bokuto-san" or "Bo". Akaashi only addressed Bokuto my his first name when he was angry. And I mean very angry.

"y-yes babe?"

"Do you guys know how much these uniforms COST!?"yelled Akaashi. 

This stunned everyone, Akaashi didn't yell, like at all. At this point, Iwaizumi and Sakusa where also fearing for their lives, but chose to stay quiet in-order to see how this all played out.

"N-no.." stutterd Kuroo.

"$115......each." Atsumu seethed.

"And do you know what you guys are gonna do? You 4 are gonna pay us 100 dollars each, because we paid for our uniforms OURSELVES!" said Suga not so calmly.

At that moment the cheer coach Takeda walked out angrily.

"What is going on here?!"

Takeda looked over at his 5 cheerleaders wet and dirty, and then the 4 boys standing in front of him. He looked over at Suga and gave him a look, Suga returned the look with an eye roll and that was enough for Takeda to march the boys to their coach in-order to have a nice little chat.

When Coach Ukai heard about what his players did, let's just say he was less than happy. In-fact he was enraged, and told each of the boys to pay back the cheerleaders and that he would be giving them a punishment.

"WhAaaat! Isn't paying each of them enough of a punishment!" whined Bokuto.

"Yeah why do we have to get another punishment?" asked Sakusa irked.

"You soaked them in cold water which could get them sick! They have a competition coming up! You guys even ruined their uniforms, that they spent their own money on! So look me straight in the eye and tell me that you don't deserve it!

Everyone stayed silent fear of what their coach would say if they even uttered another word. At the end of the day all of them ended up going back to their respected dorms and spent the rest of the night wondering and agonizing what there punishment could be. 

But none of the could have guessed what their Coach Ukai had prepared for them the next day.

"We're gonna WHAT?!" yelled all 4 of them.

"You expect us to join cheer practice for 3 weeks!?" asked Iwaizumi astonished.

"Coach we're not cheerleaders, cheer isn't even a sport!" Saikusa said. (A/N oh he did notttt just say that)

"Well I think your gonna think differently after these 3 weeks." Coach Ukai said smugly.

"Y'know this is all your fault, Bokuto, yours too Kuroo!" 

"What?! How is it our fault?!" Kuroo said defensively.

"You two are the ones who suggested it! Duh." said Sakusa 

"HEY. It doesn't matter who came up with the idea, both of you still agreed to do it so now your gonna pay the consequences. Now, go change out of your football gear. Your not gonna need it."

"Huh? Why not?" 

"You start today!" he said with a grin.

"Today." Sakusa deadpanned.

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Not in the slightest. Now go your gonna be late for your first practice!"

(A/N) Here's the first chapter🥳🥳🥳 I'm actually pretty happy with it! I hope u guys like it 🥰❤️

(1021 words)

cheer with me | iwaoi, sakuatsu, kuroken, daisugaWhere stories live. Discover now