Chapter 2: Practice

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Hello there everyone! So because this is a cheer au, I figured that some of you who don't know the basics of cheer should know this so the story and the events that happen would make sense. *disclaimer I used to be cheerleader so I'm relaying on my past knowledge*

 *disclaimer I used to be cheerleader so I'm relaying on my past knowledge*

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Lets use this very low quality photo as an example. This photo represents a stunt group. The photo above is a "full" full is when the base's arms are all the way extended above there head, like so. 

Do you see how they went from a half to a full? yeah, that's how you get all the way up into a full. sometimes you can just go straight up, but i find that its more difficult in my experience. Of course they wouldn't be that shaky but you get the jist.

When the bases's arms are down slightly below their chine that's a "half". Half is usually never used unless we are in a less advanced/lower grade/elementary cheer team. 

When the flyers of a stunt group will be thrown in the air( its called a cradle) it is and ALWAYS will be the base's responsibility to keep that flyer SAFE AT ALL TIMES. If a flyer is dropped or hits the ground the ENTIRE stunt group will be punished no matter who's fault it is. punishments such as pushups, running a lap, burpees, ect. (don't know if this is true everywhere but that was how it was in my team)

Backspot is there to support the base, and acts as the 2 cushion to stop a flyers fall.

Okay that's getting WAY too long but I really wanted to make sure you all understood so i REALLY would recommend reading it if you are unfamiliar with cheerleading.

Why was I here again, Daichi thought. Ah Right. He was forced here. After Kuroo, Sakusa, Bokuto, and Iwaizumi had gotten in a trouble for pulling a prank, a cruel one might I add, they were forced into cheer practice for 3 weeks. THREE.

So they may or may not have...blackmailed there captain into joining them. How they blackmailed there captain? They just......threatened to tell everyone that....that....he sucked his own dick.

So yeah, here Daichi was, standing in front of a gymnasium with the 4 biggest idiots on his team.

"Alright boys, what are you waiting for? Stop standing there all dumbfounded like idiots!" there coach scolded



"Go!" the coach yelled exasperated. As he watch his 4 boys scramble to run inside, he mumbled to himself "Shit, my husband isn't gonna be happy about this." as he followed after them. Kuroo, Sakusa, Iwaizumi, Daichi, and Bokuto entered the gym and they were absolutely stunned. 

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