Chapter 4: A Fall

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"Ok, now you have to bend over like this," Oikawa slowly grabbed his ankles, maintaining a flat back as he continued to talk. "now just hold it for like 2 minutes."

Kenma nodded and bent down to replicate Oikawa.

"Im sorry, you lost me at bend over." Kuroo said blinking.

The two cheerleaders sighed, rolled themselves back up and gave the other a look. How to make this easier they thought.

"(sigh) Alright, can the both of you stand up straight? Can you at least do that?"

Oikawa walked over toward the two men and grabbed there shoulders harshly, moving them around like chess pieces, eventually placing them in a line about 5 feet apart. The brunette then strolled over to Kenma and whispered something into his ear. Kenma froze for a little listening intently, before giving him a nod.

"Ok we're gonna teach one of the simplest things in cheerleading, it's called a T jump. (There are so many names for this jump idek, this is just what my team called it)"

"Basically, you are going to start with both of your hands at your sides," Oikawa added

The two boys complied obediently, placing both hands on either side face down, before watching the two in front of them intently.

Kenma walked to the right, so he was about 3 feet away from Oikawa, before mimicking that same position, then clapping both his hands right at his chest into a clasp. He moved both arms above his head into a V, before jumping straight up, and swinging both arms down, meeting them in the middle before swinging them right back up in one smooth circular motion right as he landed with his knees slightly bent, then propping himself right back up, so that his start position was identical to his end position.

"Just like that." Oikawa said brightly.

Iwaizumi looked at Kenma, then Oikawa, then made eye contact with Kuroo before saying, "Huh."

"Oh may the lord have mercy," the brunette muttered out, putting a hand over his forehead.

"Just try it." said Kenma gesturing angrily at the air.

Kenma looked over to the other group, on the opposite side of the gym, to see, not to his surprise, that his teammates were also having trouble getting these football players to get out of their comfort zone, and try something new.

Needless to say, they weren't impressed.

This "practice" went on for the next 45 minutes, with both teams having no progress, eventually they all got so sick and tired of it, that Suga walked up to the coach ready to complain.

"Takeda, this isn't working! They don't even wanna TRY. We can't "teach" if they don't even wanna TRY doing any of the stunts we show them. Listen, I'm sorry Coach Ukai, but all of your players suck!" Suga huffed out frustrated.

"Hey Suga calm down a little ok?" Takeda said soothingly while rubbing his hand on the silver-haired boys back in circles.

"Sorry." Suga mumbled out, frowning with both his hands crossed over his chest.

"Ok, how about we try stunting alright?"

"Fine." he replied flatly while sighing and a shaking his head.

"Lets do Kenma's stunt group ok?"

Suga walked over to the mixed group of football players, and cheerleaders before briefly explaining that their coaches needed them.

As they all gathered around, Coach Ukai walked to the left side of Takeda and yelled, "HEY! Kenma's stunt group get your asses over here!"


"What? What's wrong? I do it all the time." Ukai shrugged his shoulders, and simply brushed it off.

Atsumu walked up to the bickering couple nervously, and stopped a couple feet away, waiting patiently.

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt whatever this is," he waved in a circular motion, gesturing to the both of them, "but Gianna, and Camila aren't here, so whos gonna fill in for the both of them, I can't just carry Kenma on my own."

"Oh! Thats right! Sorry. Nevermind, can someone else do it instead?"

"NO, absolutely not." Kenma yelled.

"Why not?" Oikawa asked tilting his head.

"Why not?" Kenma repeated.

"Oikawa, the reason why, is because if Kenma falls you and Akaashi most-DEFINITELY will not catch him, you guys are just gonna back away, and Kenma is going to snap his neck, and many other bones."

"He has a very fair point." Akaashi said ambling out of the bathroom.

"Hmp." pouted Oikawa.

Takeda though for a moment, "Alright, how about we have Bokuto, and Kuroo sub instead?"

Kenma and Atsumu blinked, and then blinked again.

"That is the worst idea I have ever heard." Kenma said monotone.

"I second that."

"Kenma, just try it okay, I will show them how to do it properly, and I promise you won't fall."

Atsumu shook his head in disapproval, there was no way that Bokuto, and Kuroo, of all people were gonna stunt Kenma.

"No, I have no intent on breaking my neck." Kenma replied immediately.

"Kenma I will by you two new games if you do this." announced Oikawa.

"...the one that i have been meaning to by?"



The next 30 minutes were used to instruct Kuroo, and Bokuto, who were surprisingly very eager, on how to hold, and toss Kenma up properly.

"Whoo-hoo, bro are you excited to throw Kenma up into the air?" Bokuto asked the raven-head.

"Of course I am bro!"

The two men grinned at each other, however there were two other men that were sitting on the bleachers who felt differently, "Kiyo, how much money do you wanna bet that someone is gonna break a bone."



Back on the other side Kenma was preparing basically for death. The four of them got in position with Atsumu directly behind Kenma, with Kuroo on his right, and Bokuto on his left.

"This is gonna good." Akaashi laughed, getting out his phone to record.

Right before Kenma began he said, "If you two drop me, I will drop kick your-asses into the next dimension."

Kenma grabbed Kuroo and Bokuto's shoulder tightly before hoisting himself up in the with his legs bent and hanging, he then his right foot onto Kuroo's hands, and his left on Bokuto's. Before he was lifted into the air. He then got ready to lift his leg up into a bow and arrow position.

But this didn't last long, as Bokuto and Kuroo weren't very steady bases.

Kenma lost his balance and fell back.

The blonde squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the impact of the hard and painful hardwood floor, but that pain never came.

He slowly opened his eyes to be met with a ravenette, sighing heavily and staring right back at him nervously.

"You ok?" Kuroo asked breathless.


(A/N) Hey guys its been awhile since I updated this story. Anyways hope u enjoyed thank you for reading, we're almost at 5k for drop dead dancer! Thank you guys so much.❤❤

(1128 words)

cheer with me | iwaoi, sakuatsu, kuroken, daisugaWhere stories live. Discover now