Chapter 5: Hurt

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He slowly opened his eyes to be met with a ravenette, sighing heavily and staring right back at him nervously.

"You ok?" Kuroo asked breathless.


"Hey! Can the both of you stop looking into eachother's eyes like we're in some type of fanfic or somthin? Gawd damn."  

"R-right! S-sorry about that." Kuroo stutters out setting Kenma down gently, only releasing his rough hands from blondes waist when his feet touched the floor.

Kenma cleared his throat, and swallowed hard, before pulling down his spandex and grumbling out, "You should be grateful you caught me, considering the fact that I would've made you pay the insurance bills."

Everyone in the gym was silent, and could see that Kenma was pissed off. But only few people could see how shaken up he actually was. 

He strutted to bathroom, and this time no-one tried to stop him. 

Kuroo whistled, and sighed out a breath of relief, that was immediately returned with a scowl from Oikawa, who was using his right hand to slice across his neck, mouthing the words, 'not the time', repeatedly through gritted teeth.

"Jesus, how dramatic." Sakusa put out sarcastically. 

The cheerleaders in the room all made eye contact, before giving Sakusa a hard glare. 

"Don't comment on things you know nothing about, you ignorant incompetent bastard." Atsumu spat bitterly.

"What, what don't I know about huh?" Sakusa responded dramatically, widening his eyes.

"Don't act you know it all, because you don't. So shut up, you're making yourself look like a fool." said Akaashi, ice cold.

"Oh shut the fuck up, nobody fucking asked you damn weirdo." Iwaizumi scoffed.

"Hey-" Bokuto was about to say something when Akaashi cut him off.

"There's no point now Bokuto, don't even bother."

The tension in the gym was thick. Very thick, it was so quiet that any noise made, would alert the attention of everyone. Takeda cleared his throat, and checked the time.


They still had at least over and hour left of practice, but Takeda knew how worked up everyone already was and made the decision to end practice early once again.

"Alright, I can see that you all are worked up and frustrated so I think it would be best to let you finish practice early, and come back tomorrow with level heads!"

They all sighed out in relief, and "thanks you" or "thank the lord" where repeated under breaths. Unfortunately, the fact that they all exited at the same time became a problem. 

"Move." Iwaizumi purposely pushed Oikawa to the floor. 

"Ah!" Oikawa slipped and landed flat on his ass, hard. 

"What the actual fuck is your problem?!" Kenma yelled, glaring daggers.

Akaashi took a deep breath, the feeling of pure rage taking over. He clenched his fists, as they trembled. His breathing became erratic, and it became hard to calm down as he usually did easily. All the anger and frustration he had been pushing down for the past few days, had exploded. Generally when this would happen, he would have his boyfriend Bokuto to console him, but if you couldn't tell, Akaashi had been conventionally very pissed at his boyfriend, and he didn't have the energy to deal with his half assed apology.

If anything today had made much, much worse. Bokuto hadn't even attempted to stop his "friends" from being complete assholes to him and his team, his friends.

And Akaashi was NOT having it anymore. 

"STOP IT!" he shrieked. 

They all flinched, and looked over at Akaashi. 

"What the fuck do you want?! What are you trying to achieve? I just-I don't understand. You ruin our uniforms, you disrupt and crash our practice that you know we need because we have Finals, you drop Kenma, when you tried to stunt him. And that would be fine if it was a genuine mistake, but no, you were screwing around, and not taking it seriously like we told you so, because it dangerous, and finally you purposely trip Tooru!" everything came spilling out.

Akaashi was bright red, he was tearing up, he just was so frustrated and pent up, words couldn't describe it. He made eye contact with Bokuto, "And where were you? Huh? You're my boyfriend, I expected at least something from you of all people."

To most, he might've looked dramatic, but not to his friends, and Bokuto. It took a lot to make Akaashi scream and yell like this. So when he did, you knew he was serious. His friends looked at him, concern and worry in their eyes. Kenma walked over to ravenette and drew circles on his back. 

"Come on Akaashi, let's go home." Atsumu and Suga ushered, as the walked away.

The 5 football players began their way home, with their heads hung low, and Daichi turned his head and mouthed the words "I'm sorry" on behalf of his team. Suga nodded giving him reassurance as Suga knew well Daichi didn't do anything, and at most tried to stop his players. 

Bokuto broke away from his friends, and followed Akaashi. Atsumu, noticed and nudged Oikawa, who then nudged everyone else. Akaashi looked back and locked eyes with his boyfriend. His friends decided it would be best to leave them alone, so the quicky jogged ahead.

"Bokuto-san, what do you want?" Keji sniffled out.

He hated being mad at his lover, his best friend. But he knew that he couldn't just forgive this.

 This time Bokuto crossed the line. 

"Keji, I'm so, so sorry. I was stupid, and, and, I don't even know. I love you Keji and I don't know what else to say besides the fact I'm really really fucking sorry."

Keji chuckled menacingly.

"You-you don't know what to say? HAH! How about, I was an idiot, and I'm sorry for not saying anything when my friends where complete assholes to you, or maybe even I'm sorry for ruining you cheer uniform that you spent a lot of money on!? HUH?! HOW ABOUT THAT?" 

Bokuto stayed silent, as to not anger Keji even more. He knew that this time he had really hurt Akaashi.

And that this time, saying sorry wasn't gonna be enough.

(A/N) holy shit that took forever. im so sorry that took over a month. gawd damn. anyway I wasn't expecting this to be so angsty. like I didn't plan this, it just kinda happened. 😭😭 anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'll update you guys whenever I can. luv u, and thanks for reading

(1081 words)

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