Hetalia X Child Reader #2 Cont.

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"Wow! The hotel's so big!" I face planted onto the bed. Then I noticed a little buggy crawling over the bed, haha- wait! There's hundreds of them! "Ladybugs, that means we're really lucky!" I laughed and begin to let them crawl on my fingers. "Jesus christ." Arthur said as he took in the atmosphere, I guess. I thought the hotel was unique: no bedding, funny white and brown patterns on the mattress, and broken glass!


"Wake up, y/n." I heard Arthur, he sounded a little distant. "Huh?" I began to drift out of sleep. I blinked and there was amber lighting in a luxurious room, "Is this the hotel?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. "Yes, one of ze finest in America." Francis explained and put me down on the floor. "Aww, it looked better in my dream... but this will do." I frowned.

There was two big beds with satin sheets and comfy looking quilts. "We'll figure out the sleeping situation later, for now let's just get ready for bed." Arthur said as he hung up his jacket.


"So who do you want to sleep wiz, y/n?" Francis yawned. "Excuse me? She's just a child!" Arthur yelled. "You dirty minded fool, get your head out of ze London gutter!" He smacked Arthur's head. "Ouch, fine. It's my fault I assumed." He rubbed his head.

"I'll roll a dice. Odd for Arthur, Even for Francis!" I juggled the dice in my palms. The dice rolled into the coffee table and revealed a number: "Five." We all said in unison. "OK, come with me let's get to bed, y/n." Arthur turned off the light and we both climbed into bed.

"Arthur, stop shuffling so much." I grumbled and turned over. "Huh? I'm not shuffling, you're also awfully close to my side of the bed." He replied.

"Bonjour~" I heard Francis whisper.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!" Arthur screamed. "Why aren't you in your bed?" He inquired. "I get scared sleeping alone in ze bed at night..." Francis spoke softly. "So how do you sleep in bed every night at home?" He wondered.

A silence came over the room.

"Gross," Arthur paused then continued, "Fine, I don't care. You can stay" He rolled over. "Yay!" Me and Francis cheered.


I had a lot of trouble staying asleep, I felt like throwing up. I ran to the bathroom to rid my stomach contents; "BLECGHFRYIN!" My THC gummy breakfast from the day before splattered all over the mirror. I wiped my mouth and walked back to the bed. I shook both of them awake; "I frew up."

"Are you okay?" Arthur sat up and asked me. "I just had trouble sleeping but I feel fine. Yesterday's breakfast didn't want to stay in my stomach, I guess." I coughed. "What did you eat?" Francis sat up and asked. "My mommy calls them THC gummies." I yawned.

They both ran to the bathroom without saying anything. They were so fast I almost heard cartoon running sound effects!

"Oh my..." I walked into the bathroom and overheard the shock in their tone. "I feel for the person who'll have to clean this." Arthur scratched his head. "I have stomach medicine I can give you." Francis left the room and shuffled through his bag. Me and Arthur walked back into the bedroom and stood around him.

He handed me a pill. "Thank me!" I chewed the pill. "Do you always have stomach medicine on hand? How helpful." Arthur held a hand to his chin. "It's for when I eat your scones!" He placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder and laughed. "What?! You just have a different pallette." Arthur pouted. "Haha! Arthur cooks stones like shit!" I giggled. Francis began to chuckle even harder; "HAHA, SHE SAID YOUR COOKING... TASTES LIKE-"

No one was allowed to sleep next to Arthur for the rest of the night.

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