Hetalia X Child Reader #3 Ending

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We just finished breakfast when Arthur called some man named Alfred and told him to come to the hotel room. He was really loud. "Where's the lost girl?" He slammed the door open. "Y/n's right here. We needed your help putting up photos around the city, since you know the area well." Arthur sipped his tea. "Sure, let's go!" Alfred took the stack of flyers from Francis.


"AYO, have you seen this fucking girl?" Alfred grabbed the man by his throat and shoved the flyer in his face. "C-come on man... I'll give you the money, just let me go!" The man threw his pocket change, freed himself from the assaulter's grasp and bolted. "Jeez, what's wrong with that guy?" He watched as his victim ran into the distance.

"Yay! Free money! I collected the coins off the floor. "Alfred, what ze hell is wrong wiz you?" Francis blurted out. Arthur ignored the two as he stapled a flyer to a telephone pole.

"Well that was the last one." Arthur dusted his hands, "Now we'll just have to wait for her mother to call us. "Maybe I the meantime we can go to the coffee place a few blocks down?" Alfred taped the flyer to his shirt. "Sounds good to me." Francis nodded.

We were walking and this part of the city seemed really familiar.
"That's the coffee shop Mommy goes to every morning! Her job is some where around here!" I squealed. "Really? Zen let's walking around and try finding her job!" Francis exclaimed. "That's great, we should be heading this way, Alfred!" Arthur grabbed Alfred's collar just as he began to walk towards the shop. "Damn... I wanted coffee!" He cried.


I eagerly sprinted looking around the city. "Her job should be right around the corner!" I shouted as I turned the corner. "Horrible Fanfiction & Co." Mommy's job! "Pretty nice building for such a corporation." Arthur commented. The other two silently agreed and everyone walked inside.

"Please insert keycard." Francis read aloud. "Step aside guys, I got this." Alfred stepped up to the card reader and swiped a $15 Fortnite V Bucks card. "ALFRED NO!" Arthur tackled him to the floor to avoid the barrage of axes and lasers that unsheathed themselves from the ceiling. Francis gasped and caved over me.

"Zat was a close one." He sighed. "You idiot! What were you thinking? You almost got us killed!" Arthur yelled and forcefully grabbed the $15 Fortnite V Bucks card out of his hand. "You really thought this would let us in?" Arthur pointed at the card with hatred in his heart. "I just felt like V Bucks worked on anything, dude!" He began to sweat. "I'm really sorry, I'll stop being stupid." He frowned.


"But dude, can you get off of me? You're totally sitting on my hot dog." Alfred stared at him. That's right, Arthur didn't notice what position he was scolding Alfred in. "E-excuse me?!" Arthur jolted immediately off of him. "Haha your face is as red as an orange!" I teased him. We all went silent as Alfred stood up and pulled a hotdog out of his fanny pack. "Hets thur spotch!" He chewed. "I should've expected as much." Arthur sighed.

As ze ozer two were playing zeir antics in front of ze child, I had already destroyed the alarm system, the weapons and the door. "We can go in now." I dusted off my clothes.

Everyone else was shocked at Francis. "Wow, I didn't know you were a villain!" I danced around him. "What? Well, I guess I wasn't supposed to do zis, but I had no choice..." He placed a hand on his heart.

After we officially entered the building, Alfred started playing spy music on his phone and began crawling around. "The coast is clear guys." He whispered. "This- WHOA!" He turned the corner and bumped into a woman. "I'm so sorry, ma'am." He sweated.

"Mommy!" I squealed and ran over to her. She started sobbing and spoke "Where have you been?! I was worried sick!" She hugged me really tight.

I looked over my daughter's shoulder and saw two other men. "Did all of you help return my daughter to me?" I sniffled. "Yes, we've been hanging up flyers around the city all morning trying to find you." The Brit said. "I tried going to the police but they threatened to put me in a cell after asking them to issue an amber alert!" I cried even harder. "You really need to do somezing about ze police." I overheard the Frenchmen whisper.

"Gosh, I hope she wasn't a handful." I lifted up y/n and carried her over my shoulder. "I was only with her for today, but she seems like a great kid!" The bespectacled man smiled. "How about I treat you guys to coffee? There's a good shop down a few blocks." I wiped away my tears with my free hand. "Mommy, you drink coffee so much, that's what helped me find you!" Y/n laughed and hugged my neck. She then began to wring her fingers around my throat! "Stop it, you're choking me!" I began to laugh. "That's my Mommy for you!" Y/n winked.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with this family?" Arthur was nervous. "We need to get ze crêpe out of here!" Francis ran away. "Dude, I'm ahead of you!" Alfred chased after.

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