Ugly Ass Ragazza: Italy Brothers X Reader

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Me and my brother Italy were out "ragazza watching" or something like-a that. I was just focused on eating my tomato when he began to shake me. "Look, look! An ugly ass ragazza!" He pointed at some lady walking. "Italy, what's gotten into you?" I smacked him in the back of the head. "Ow..." He looked down at the floor in shame. "That's an ugly ass ragazza?" I tried to confirm and gestured my thumb.

(Y/n's POV)

I was just walking when I overheard some guy call me "an ugly ass ragazza." I stomped over there on my heels, "Excuse me, who the hell do you think you're talking to?" I interrogated the darker haired man. "I'm talking to my brother, he called you an ugly ass ragazza, but I personally think-" He spoke and I interrupted him.

"Don't try blaming him for this, I heard you and saw you say it." I grabbed his shirt collar. "This a big misunderstanding I-a swear!" He winced. I released him and slapped him with my handbag, "That will teach you for calling my ugly ass, an ugly ass." Afterwards I flipped my hair and sauntered away.

"Haha, see? I told you she was an ugly ass ragazza!" I laughed at Romano because he just got slapped with an equally ugly ass purse. He just looked at me blankly and continued to eat his tomato.


"Romano, I noticed you don't say anything when there are ragazzas around, why's that? Ve?~" I poked my brother's shoulder. "You don't remember, you heartless bastard? Well, months ago something happened. I didn't realize what-a I was saying and got my ass beat for accidentally calling a woman an "ugly ass ragazza." He quickly commented again, "That's because you called her that, though."

(Y/n POV)

I was sitting behind two men. That's when I hear it again "ugly ass ragazza." In a familar voice. I swear, if it's really the same guy..." I look over my shoulder and sure enough, it's him. "How many damn times do I have to teach you this lesson, bastard?" I yell and clutch my purse. "No one calls me an ugly ass, EXCEPT my ugly ass!" I war cry and absolutely destroy him with my lime green and pink fur handbag. I dust my hands off "Don't mess with a girlboss."

"Say, you don't need this guy. Let's say we get out of here and go get dinner? I wink at the lighter haired boy and fix my titties. "Ve... I would say-a yes, but sadly you're an ugly ass ragazza." He rubs the back of his neck. I look over at his unconscious friend then back at him. "You guys will end up in the same gondola." I snicker.

Let's just say, those two got absolutely demolished.

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