Chapter 7: Aprehension test

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i was changing for the upcoming test in the girls room. i saw all the girls changing around but i coudn't, my body is too ugly 😰. i wish i was as pretty as momo 😢😟. she's so pretty, why can't i look like her? 🥺.

i don't know what to do since i can't change. i'll just run off again. NO, I CAN'T KEEP RUNNING AWAY FROM MY PROBLEMS😤. i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i can't. i'm gonna do the unthinkable, i'm gonna change in front of the girls 😬😢😱.as i slowly took off my shirt, my lips tremling, i felt tears form in my eyes. i can't do this. i'm sorry father, i'm sorry mother. i'm a disappointment😨😥. i quickly put my shirt back on and ran to a bathroom stall. once i was in, i dropped to the floor to cry. i was good at crying silently since i had to prentend with my family so much😅. i heard aizawa say we have only a few more minutes so i quickly stood up and wiped my tears🤧.i can do this i thought to myself. i can do this, i can do this. no i can't do this 😓😭 WHY CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT i quickly put on my sports clothes and covered my mouth to make my sobs less audible. i got out from the stall and everyone was gone😱. i ran to the course because i was so late. omg im so clumsy 😝.i can do this i thought to myself. i can do this, i can do this. no i can't do this 😓😭 

"Y/N" i starttled at aizawas scream and everyone looked at me

"u-uh y-y-y-yes?" i said, stuttering.
"since you're late, you're starting" he told me

"WHAT?! N-n-no..! I c-can't s-start!😨 I-" I said before he cut me off

"also, the last place is getting spelled" 

"W-what? N-n-no I can't r-risk g-g-getting e-e-e-e-expelled 😰" I mumbled. 

"sorry y/n? I coudn't hear you..." I heard aizawa say.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I CAN'T GET EXPELLED!!😩🤬" I screamed at him. 

He looked at me shocked then he... looked at me with a expression I can't quite understand.. pity?? no one has ever pittied me. what's his problem?! 😡😤

"since y/n doesn't want to participate... I'll say maybe someone else can start" aizawa said. he said something else and a student to go first but I didn't pay attention to it since I was caught up in my own thoughts...

why would someone pity me?


okay so the test was over and I did EVERYTHING WRONG!!! WHY AM I SO STUPID?? I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH 😢!!! no wonder my parents didn't love me 🤒

anyway... on the test I didn't create any new powers since I didn't need to. for example, there was one of throwing a ball an I used my newly created, levitation quirk. one was a race and I used teleportation. and things like that in all of them.

oh no now they're going to show us who's last and who's getting expelled 😲😦😰😓. I can't watch. I can't get expelled 🤐.

"wait!! I-i-i can't w-watch...😤😠!" I screamed at aizawa. 

"why😐" he said.

"b-b-b-b-b-b-because I c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-can't get e-e-e-e-expelled 🥺" I mumble quietly

"sorry y/n.. I coudn't quite catch that..."

"BECAUSE I CAN'T GET EXPELLED!! ARE YOU DEAF?!😡👹" I yell at him, standing up

He looked at me with the same expression as before, pity. why is he looking at me like that?? what is his problem?? im not someone to pity?? im a human!!👺🧍🏻‍♀️

"y/n I-" he starts but I cut him off

"stop looking at me like that!! like you pity me!! imagine how that makes me feel!!" I scream at him before I run out of the scene😅😨. I run to the bathroom to cry 😭 until I hear someone enter the bathroom. 

"who's there?" I asked trying not to give myself away

"y/n..." the person say

"I said, who's there!😱😰" I say, the pain in my voice showing

"I- I'm toru hagakure..." the voice says

I come out of the bathroom stall I was hiding in and ask if aizawa sent her.😟🙁

"aizawa didn't send me, I ran after you ☺️" she said

"oh okay. I can't see you though 😕"

"im invisible...😑"

"I feel invisible...😰😥😓😪"

"thats rough buddy🤪. anyway we gotta head to class, aizawa is showing the test results of who is getting expelled" she says

"I-i-i can't s-s-see that, I c-c-can't get e-e-expelled! 😞😟"

"come on! I bet you got first place!!🤓😜😌" she said before she pulls me out of the bathroom and into the class.

I look at the screen and it says I got first. HOW?? I FAILED EVERYTHING! THERE MUST BE AN ISSUE.🤕😲😶

"I think there's an issue with the results. I got first event tho I failed everything. 🤒" I say

"no. you passed everything" aizawa says

"thats great!! 😆" 

I say

we all start talking for a few minutes and the rest of the day goes on quickly. I still can't get someone thing off my mind tho...

why would he pity me? does he know something about my parents?




pls why is y/n so dramatic istg I wanna murder her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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