Chapter 10

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This Chapter is dedicated to @tessagibson14 for being so patient for an update! You're awesome!

The next few days fly by with extra Training and our secret plans for Willow's Birthday. Soon enough, I'm awoken on June 1st by the ringing of my phone. I groan, but roll myself out of bed anyway, and begin to get ready. I pull on a Dusty Pink Shirt and some Light Blue Jean Shorts, and I walk to the bathroom and begin to quickly curl my hair. I finish up with my Hair 15 minutes later, and knock on Jen's door, hoping she set an alarm.

"Jen! Are you almost ready?" I say, listening to the Shuffling of feet as she moves around the small room.

"Almost, Iz! Gimme one sec," Jen says, and I hear her close a Door. She then opens the door, and I burst out laughing. "What?" She asks, completely confused at my sudden outburst.

"Jen, your shirt. It's inside-out, and backward!" I reply through my laughter

"Oh. Whoops," She grins, heading back into her room to fix her shirt.

I make my way over to our small kitchen, and begin to pull out the pans for Willow's Breakfast. Jen soon walks in, her shirt now put on correctly. Once we get everything we need out of the Drawers and Fridge, I head over to the Door, Bacon, Sausage, and Eggs in a bag on my wrist. We had decided to make a little something extra for Willow, so we tasked the boys with the Eggs instead.

"Where are you going, Iz?" Jen asks as she measures out the flour for the Waffles.

"To give the Boy's their food," I say as I lace up my White Chuck Taylors. "And to make sure they actually got up." Jen laughs, turning back to her task as I walk out of the trailer.

I turn around to shut the Door, whirling around at the sound of Footsteps, only to crash into Xander's Chest.

"Izzy! Are you okay?" Xander asks, worry painted across his face.

"I'm fine, it didn't hurt really. Kinda soft actually," I tease as I create space between us, and he looks offended. I start laughing and cracks a grin at my joke.

"That's not funny, Isabelle!" He says, trying hard not to laugh.

"Sorry, Alexander," I say, mocking him, and he rolls his eyes playfully. "Anyways, here's the food you guys need to cook," I tell him as I pass the bag over to him.

"Thanks, Shortie!" He calls as he walks back to his trailer.

"Your welcome, Goliath!" I call back laughing, careful not to be too loud as we don't want Willow to wake up. I walk back inside as Amandla and the Boys begin Hanging decorations, and Josh starts the Grill.

I grab my ingredients and begin making my homemade Cinnamon Breakfast Bites that my family and I always have on our birthdays.

About 30 minutes later everything in our Trailer is cooked and Plated, so Jen and I bring the piling Plates outside to Jackie, who has the rest of the food under covers to keep them warm. Jen walks over to Amandala, who isn't quite tall enough to hang a streamer after we give the plates to the Red Head. I walk back inside and grab the two big bottles of Orange Juice, and the Gallon of Chocolate Milk, carefully balancing all three so I can carry them all.

I carefully walk outside, trying to keep my balance on the stairs and I almost make it. Key Word. Almost.

Of course, it had to be the one time we were trying to be so secretive that my clumsiness decided to kick in. I hear the bottles hit the ground, and a burning on my hands a second later. I slightly grimace as I carefully get up, Jackie running quickly over to me to help gather the drinks.

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