Chapter 11

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I awake to the annoying ringing of my phone at 6 am on a cool Wednesday morning. I groan, rolling over with a pillow covering my ears in hopes of blocking out the noise. After a while, I grow sick of the ear-piercing sound, and reluctantly hop out of my warm and inviting covers in search of some workout clothes.

I grab a random tank-top out of my small closet and some stray black running shorts and throw them on. I then haphazardly find my running shoes through my hazy vision and lace them up, before grabbing my water bottle and a largely oversized Hoodie that I slip over my head as I walk out my bedroom door and into the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and comb my hair, placing it into a low ponytail before wandering into the kitchen, where I find Jennifer Lawerence making a Protein Shake.

I nod Good Morning and collapse on the couch, my early riser routine out the window as I almost fall asleep prior to the loud noise of the Blender turning on.

"Could you please turn off that Gastly thing, so I can sleep?" I mumble, barely heard over the noise of the machine that was currently mixing breakfast.

Jen laughs, turning it off as the shakes are done, and pours them into two travel-size Shake Bottles before carefully handing me one of the two. I lightly grin at Jen as she pulls me up off the couch and out the door to our fellow cast members who were outside waiting at the two picnic tables.

"Morning," I say almost incoherently, sitting next to Leven who I then promptly lay my head on as I close my heavy eyes.

"I thought I was your pillow!" Xander jokes, and I move my head to his arm to satisfy his complaint.


"Well someone's sleepy today, huh?" Dayo says, highly amused as he walks up to our group and sees my half-asleep body leaning against Xander, who had wrapped his arm around my shoulders to better support my head.

"You got that right," Jen replies, smirking. "I had to pull her off the couch. I was worried I was going to have to pull her out of bed."

I open my heavy eyes just enough for them to see me roll my eyes, and they grin at my annoyance. Seconds later both Jackie and Amandala open their shared trailer door and jog over to our small group as we wait for cars to take us to set.

"Aww, you two are so cute!" Jackie teases nodding to Xander's arm around my shoulders, a smirk growing on her face as Amandala jumps onto Dayo's back, surprising him as he almost drops his bag full of who knows what.

I lightly glare at her and Xander just laughs at her comment.

I'm saved from any more embarrassment from Jackie when two black cars pull up to take us to the set. I carefully get up, my hand lightly pushing up on the wooden table, Xander's arm sliding off my shoulders. I grab his outstretched hand, and pull him up, before walking to one of the empty cars.

I'm one of the last people to make it to the cars, due to my tired body, and I slide into the seat next to Jackie, before closing the door and resting my forehead on the cool glass, my consciousness quickly slipping away. I let the hum of the car engine pull me deeper into an oblivion of darkness, but I faintly register noises of someone pulling me across the Black leather seat into their warm Chest, where I snuggle deeper into, while the Person previously in my new seat sits next to the window I was previously at before I fall asleep.

. . .

When I awake, we are pulling up to a large forest clearing, filled to the brim with people, and set pieces for the Arena, the Silver Cornucopia glinting beautifully in the 8 a.m. sun. I look around in awe, still trying to comprehend what was going on around me as my fellow cast members begin filing out of the Black Suburban. My gazing is suddenly interrupted by a loud sneeze behind me, causing me to jump in surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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