Chapter One: Young Master

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The smell of the place felt homely, she was lying on a giant king sized bed with blue soft pillows. She blinked severally trying to adjust her eyes to the new surrounding she found herself.

"What happened? Why am I here?" She tried to remember but memories seemed to evade her and her head began to ache badly.

Where am I? Her eyes roved round the room. The wall was painted in navy blue and she spotted a glass mirror on the left side of the room sitting on a turquoise blue dressing table with several small glass lockers underneath.
It was pretty obvious that it was a lady's room. She looked at the wall again and a mural of a young woman drew her attention. It was a portrait of her smiling with a silver necklace. She looked very beautiful with her fair skin literally glowing and it made her think of herself.

Damilola's eyes went back to the mirror and the reflection staring back at her was in a sympathetic state. She looked a complete mess. She wasn't doing a good job of caring for herself. Her hair was disheveled, her cheekbones were prominent and wait! now that she thinks of it she was in a flannel night gown and she was sure this didn't belong to her.

When did she put this on? So many questions were flooding through her head. Maybe she was in a dream, she closed her eyes tightly and after a few seconds flew them wide open expecting to be back home in her little room and small cozy bed in sharp contrast to the strange environment she was in but to her utter dismay she didn't find herself back at home in Ogba.

"It's OK, you are OK" she kept repeating to herself to calm her nerves, but she was already getting the creeps or maybe she was kidnapped.

"Eh! Olorun"

"This place doesn't look like a place for holding hostages" a voice in her head said.

Her eyes darted here and there for something that seemed to have been missing, maybe her bag was here somewhere, she felt fatigued, with maybes, every thought and words was lacking in probability, nothing plausible to hold on to.

Ok, she wasn't sure of anything or have not an idea of her situation but one thing she was sure of, she needed to be out of this place. And just then her mind wandered to Mama. What time was it? There was no clock on the wall.

"Just focus on the door" she tells herself as she tries to open it a second time but the knob won't budge. Her fears become evident she was kidnapped! Her heart began to thump faster in her chest.

"What am I going to do now?" her lips quivers. She takes a deep breath and tries to remember how she ended up in this place or did the abductors also confine her memories?

She needed to be out of this place and fast, "Relax. Don't panic" With shaky hands, she tries to open the door again and just immediately, it was unbolted from outside. It made her jerk in fright but right away made an attempt to maintain a calm posture as she beheld a woman in her late twenties wearing an apron and behind, a brown gown just below her knees. The woman was with a trolley with three glass layers containing trays of different food.

"I see you are awake" the woman smiled "Young master asked me to prepare your breakfast, I don't know your speciality so..." She left the remaining words unsaid.

"Why am I here?" Damilola demanded. To know the answer was what she wanted now and not breakfast in a strange place and from a complete stranger.

"Don't you remember what happened between you and young master last night?" came the woman's reply.

Damilola was sure her head was starting to spin this time, she looked at the woman like she was crazy. Last night? What happened last night and who was this young master?. This was weird, If she didn't leave now, heaven knows how bizzare things could get.

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