Chapter Seven: On A Date

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The cloud darkened and thunder rumbled as she got out of the cab, the luggage in one hand and an umbrella on the other. It started drizzling this time. She had no time to admire the building as she walked swiftly past the sliding door, getting a confirmation from the top, in which the graphics was lucid for all to see that it was indeed "Rodizzio Restaurant".

She was welcomed with murmurings and before she could take in the environment completely, someone bumped into her trying quickly to go out. Her arm ached from the impact but she caught the person's face, "mr Ericson!" she mouthed, surprised. She reacted fast by grabbing hold of his hand with the free hand that just let go of the umbrella which lay on the floor now. But she got a violent push from him, landing hard on her bum.

"This one don craze!" someone whispered loud enough to be heard.

"The asiwere!" she agreed, gritting her teeth in both anger and pain.

"Aunty sorry!"

She didn't want anyone feeling pity or saying sorry to her. She got on her feet  immediately, using the small luggage as an aid and ignored the pain that shot through her.

Had he changed his mind?. What happened to the supposed date he wanted for himself?. Only he knew the answers and so she got ready to chase after him in the rain. She had to ensure this was going to be their last encounter.

"Are you crazy?" a rigid voice stopped her, she recognised the voice all too well and she knew he was just behind her because of how close the sound was.

"Luka!" She turned to face him, surprise evident on her face. "What are you doing here?".

"Don't tell me you plan on going after him" he continued as if he wasn't interrupted "you don't want to go into the rain and get sick because of it" he held her hand, trying to lead her to the table he was at, all these while.

"I asked you a question!" She shoved his hand.

"You are not the only one who knows to come here".

"This is not just a coincidence" she affirmed.

"Fine. I'll tell you. Let's not cause a scene because of this" his eyes trailed to others in the restaurant, some were already making them their object of focus and even point of discussion, maybe connecting them to the crazy man who created a circus a while ago.

Without replying, she picked up her umbrella lying just a few inches away and   followed behind him. She sat opposite him as they took the table at the rear just before the entrance.

"Start talking" she said, resting the luggage and umbrella close to the wall where she sat.

"Going to mama's?" he asked instead, taking a glance at the luggage, but she bothered not to reply. He knew the answer to that.

"What can i get you?"

"I would like a hot medium sized cappuccino" he answered the chirpy voice.

"You'll want one too" he faced Dami.

"No. Thank you".

"It will just be the cappuccino then" he motioned to the male staff who was dressed in a black uniform with stripes of white.

"Alright" he turned his back.

"Mabel told me". Luka began, knowing she will not say a word to him till she gets the answer she was looking for, which he was certain, only needed to be told in her face and nothing more. "I learnt from her you were going on a date at this restaurant. I called her this morning because i know it will be more awkward to hear from you directly. I had to ask her cause i wanted to see you, she also told me something else".

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