Chapter Six: A Rainy Day

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It was 5am in the morning when her phone lit up with a message. Her eyes travelled to the clock on the wall and she stood up with uneasy steps to open the white curtains to aid her vision. She yawned, rubbing her eyes as she used her other hand to flick the curtains open and a ray of light found it's way in, illuminating the place.

Dami smiled as she went to the sitting room, it was Saturday and she couldn't be more grateful. She heard her phone ringing and headed back to her room. How she missed her small cosy room back home in Ogba. She knew it wasn't the environment she missed but mama's presence which she longed for.

"Kaaro mama" she greeted without looking at the caller's id. This was not the first time mama called her early in the mornings. She waited to hear the usual reply "bawo ni, Ololufe mi!" but was met with silence.

"Hello, mama?" She requested.

"This isn't funny" the guttural voice sounded.

"Who's this?" She muttered to herself, as she brought the screen to her face and saw an unknown number.

" You've been ignoring my texts and my calls" the voice resumed.

She already knew who it was as she brought her hand to her forehead, massaging her temples. What a great way to begin the day!.

"Mr Ericson or whatever you call yourself" her voice was calm in contrast to how she wanted it to sound, maybe it was because she just got out of bed few minutes ago. "I told you before to get lost".

"Is it too much to ask for three dates" he voiced at the other end "and i promise you, I'm completely harmless".

"I don't care, because I'm not going on that date with you. You are crazy to even ask that" her tone was high now, reflecting her annoyance.

"I'm i now?" he laughed "what's going to happen if i visit you at the restaurant everyday or literally drag you out of your house, right now"

"Are you stalking me now?" she quickly went to look out the windows, hurrying to the sitting room to open the shutters which she had placed because of the recent rains, but she didn't find anything odd or out of place. "I won't be surprised if you are just outside my window which just makes me confirm how sick you are".

"Don't be ridiculous, why would i bother with the trouble?".

"You don't have an option" his voice reverberated, "10am, Rodizzio restaurant" he hung up.

"Olorun, iru wahala wo ni eyi?" She lamented as she threw her phone on her bed. The words which when translated means "God, what kind of trouble is this?".

"Should i report the asiwere to the police?" She mused "no, it will just be loads of headache with these Nigerian police. I'll handle this myself".

Her phone lit up with a message. She checked and discovered Eric sent an address to the restaurant.

"I'll just settle this and go see mama after that" she concluded.

* * *
Mabel hummed as she mixed the cornflakes with milk and sugar. Her eyes lit up with the result as she dropped the plate on the dining table, made herself comfortable and started scooping it's content.

"So you mean to say you'll go on the date with him" she looked excited.

"It's not like that" Dami rebuked.

"Calm down now" she drawled "somebody cannot play with you"

"Does this look like a game to you and don't forget this is all your fault"

"I already said sorry na" she pouted "i was only looking out for you. I did what every good friend would have done given the situation"

"I'm going to the restaurant to tell him off and it would be the last time we will ever cross paths" she said with a note of finality as she zipped up her small black luggage.

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