Chapter 5: What's With All The Owls?

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Best Man Steals the Bride

By: Fondest Desire

 Chapter Four: What's With All the Owls?

Day: Saturday

Place: KYU's Basketball Coliseum/Current Volleyball Game

Time: 7:56 P.M.

Section 6....row 8... Kagome muttered to herself as she walked down the stairs with Sango. Row 7...row...

Kagome groaned as she saw, like she feared, not only Kikuchi but Hojo too. Dangit.

Hojo waved, making sure that she could see them. "Kagome?!"

Kagome let out a small groan again as she and Sango sat down.

Inuyasha smirked triumphantly from the side. "Well Ms. Books R. Good. Finally decide to show up?"

Inuyasha's girlfriend pointed at Kagome. "Books R. Good? You have a funny name." she giggled.

Kagome tried not to let her annoyance get to her. "And what exactly is your name?"

The girl smiled wide. "Candy!"

Kagome tried not to laugh. She cleared her throat politely. "Uh huh..." she slowly glanced over at Hojo. It's not like she could pretend to ignore the person who was sitting right beside her forever. "Hello."

"I'm sorry for lying to you about everything!" Hojo suddenly blurted out of the blue.

Kagome looked over at Inuyasha. Figures he'd tell Hojo about their deal so soon. "Okay."

"Can we really be friends again?" Hojo asked, trying his best not to screw his chance up.

Kagome looked at the ground. Taking Fukazawa Hojo back was the last thing she wanted to do...

But she had made that stupid deal. "Yes. Just don't ever lie to me again."

"I won't. I promise I won't, ever again." Hojo sighed happily.

"Oh my, my!"

Kagome and Sango both looked as they realized Yamazaki Miroku had just made himself comfortable right next to Sango.

Sango watched him with eagle eyes. There wasn't a girl in KYU that hadn't heard about Yamazaki's...reputation.

"I had no idea you had such an interest in the sport of volleyball as well." Miroku smiled.

Sango frowned. "I don't think our interest in the sport is the same."

Miroku just smiled harmlessly at her. "I don't believe I caught your name yet."

Sango glared at him. "Trust me, if I had thrown it at you, you would've known it -and watch that hand, Yamazaki!"

Miroku pulled his innocent hand away before it got anywhere interesting. "Excuse me. Habit."

Sango looked back at Kagome with a non-questionable expression. "Can we go now?"

"Not quite." Inuyasha interrupted as he looked over toward Kagome. "You came down here for a reason, didn't you?"

Kagome looked at him suspiciously. "What?"

"Me, Hojo, Miroku and you-" Inuyasha grinned. "-are all going to go out to a movie tomorrow, as friends. Remember?"

Kagome crossed her arms. "Are you trying to trick me?"

Inuyasha pointed to himself innocently. "Me? Naw, course not. Just making sure you hold up your end of the deal."

Best Man Steals the Bride: An Inuyasha FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now