Chapter 18: Inuyasha's Comfy Spot

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Author's Note: Slight editing. I remember this chapter. I was too tired to want to do much (I did exactly the same equivalent of homework for them, midterms were hard times), but I was too cold to ignore everything in the college that day too, but I wanted to write. Yep, this brings back memories.

I don't own Inuyasha or anything having to do with this show. I also don't own Keebler's crackers, Dr. Pepper, Swiss Miss Cocoa, Harry Potter, Ranma or whatever other bizarre things this fanfiction includes I may be mistaken to own. I make this entire story and all of it's chapters only for entertainment purposes, (and an excuse to avoid my homework:). I make no profit off of this fic, so please don't sue. You won't get much since I'm just a struggling college student.^^

Best Man Steals the Bride

By: Fondest Desire

Chapter Eighteen: Inuyasha's Comfy Spot.

Day: Friday

Place: Kagome's Dorm

Time: 5:45 P.M.


Inuyasha just mumbled.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome called out again.

Inuyasha grumbled. "Kitten, I've had a hard week. Can't we just sleep it off?"

Kagome frowned and yawned. She knew what Inuyasha meant. Sometimes there were easy weeks where you hardly worked. Mostly, there were normal weeks where you worked a great deal, but then there was a horrible thing called HARD weeks. Hard weeks practically fried a person's brain.

Both Kagome and Inuyasha had had a HARD week.

"We can't." Kagome said, trying to be a good student. "We need to-"

"One hour!" Inuyasha pleaded.

Kagome wanted to say no. That they had too much reading to do, but she couldn’t. Both her brain and her body were saying the same thing. "One hour. That's it, so scoot over."

Inuyasha smiled as he barely gave her enough room to lie down,

She continued to elbow. "Scoot over." She whined as she grabbed her warm blanket. "I've had a harder week than you. I had a test in three of my classes today and a 1-3 page paper yesterday."

Inuyasha grabbed some of her blanket. "So? I had two freakin' midterms and two papers for Science."

"Yeah, yeah." Kagome yawned. "Whatever." She put her head on one of her pillows. "Just ONE hour."

"One day?" Inuyasha mumbled. "Yeah, sure."

"Yeah…" Kagome mumbled, slipping into unconsciousness. "One…something…"

Day: Friday

Place: Kagome's Dorm/Hall outside

Time: 7:50 P.M.

Miroku smiled at his good fortune as he went through the hall. Sango, Sango, Sango… He was about to knock on Sango's door when he saw something odd.

Best Man Steals the Bride: An Inuyasha FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora