14 ~ black butterflies and deja vu.

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You flash like a setting sun,
You come around, I come undone,
Can't find the sound under my tongue,
When I look at you..
I lose my voice when I look at you,
Can't make a noise though I'm trying to,
Tell you all the right words,
Waiting on the right words..
- The Maine


Liam's POV

I wake up lying flat on my back.

The sun shines directly overhead, making it difficult to see anything but bright, white light. As my eyes adjust, all I can see is tall grass, the only sound a gentle breeze blowing through it.

I turn my head from side to side, looking around and trying to remember where I am. All those flashes, all the lives I just lived, they run through my mind on an endless loop like scenes from a movie, except everything about them is so much more vivid.

I can still smell it, feel it, taste it.

It clouds my senses, and I have trouble remembering what's real.

I try to sit up, but a sickening ache in my stomach stops me. It feels like the wind's been knocked out of me.

Hesitantly, I lift my shirt. There's a nasty red splotch on the skin there, and I just know it's from when those goons punched me in the stomach.


I breathe through the pain and wait on it to subside.

From my position on my back, I can see Adira out of the corner of my eye, lying opposite to me.

"Ira," I call out. I can see her shoes, her legs. If I really strain, I can just barely see her arm, but her face is hidden from me.

"Ira," I say again, and again, I'm met with silence.

"Adira!" I shout, but still, there's no response.

Panic seizes me as I realize that she isn't moving.


Fear clouds my senses, and I'm not sure if it's some remaining emotion from the dreams, a sense of guilt from the fact that this was my idea, my own selfish desire not to be alone in this, or something else entirely.

All I know is that I've never been more afraid to lose someone in my life.

Through gritted teeth, I force myself to sit up.

Once I do, the world around me seems to come back into focus, and I see that the grass immediately around us is flattened, bowed outward in a circle. Like whatever we did created enough of a shock wave that it pushed out like a ripple effect.

The pain in my stomach starts to subside and is replaced with a warm sensation. I lift my shirt again to see that the red marks on my abdomen have started to fade. In a few moments, it's like they were never there at all, like they were never real to begin with - like I imagined them.

Great, like I needed anymore evidence that I'm going crazy.

With the pain gone, I take the opportunity to make my way towards her, first slowly, then all at once as I'm finally able to get to my feet.

"Ira, wake up," I say, kneeling down by her head. The first thing I do is check her wrist for the break I witnessed in the dream. At first, it's red and swollen, and then, just like my stomach, I can feel a warmth under my hand, and I know it's starting to heal. Without thinking, I take my hand and brush the hair back from her forehead.

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