5 ~ bring me back to life.

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"I'm broken and I'm barely breathing.
I'm falling 'cause my heart stopped beating.
This is what it's like when we collide.
This is how you bring me back to life."
- Extreme Music


I walk into the house, which looks much nicer on the inside than it does on the outside, probably purposefully.

I mean what kind of safe-house would it be if it weren't inconspicuous?

As soon as I step through the door, I'm greeted with a living room with two couches and a massive tv set where two other guys who look to be about Liam's age are sitting around avidly watching a football game.

"Hey, I'm back," Liam calls to them, tossing his car keys on the counter. "And I brought company."

Both their heads turn towards me like meerkats, and I give a small wave before shoving my hands back into my pockets.

"So that's her, eh?" The one with light brown hair and bright blue eyes says. "Honestly mate, your nightly descriptions don't do her justice."

"Shut up, Fletcher," Liam replies, shooting him a glare. "Guys, this is Ira. Ira, these are the guys."

"Hey, I'm Weston. Nice to finally meet you," the other boy says, giving me a grin. He's got dirty blonde-hair, and kind brown eyes.

"Listen, I'm sure Liam's been all cryptic and secretive," Fletcher says.

"He can be a little stoic," Weston interjects.

"But don't worry," Fletcher continues. "You're safe with us."

"Right," Weston continues. "Just think of this as a sort of.. impromptu vacation. That's what we're doing anyway."

"The point is, this is a stressful time for all of us," Fletcher says. "And Liam can be a bit of a prat when he's stressed, so feel free to give us a shout if he acts like too much of an ass."

"Alright, I think that's enough," Liam interjects, clearly annoyed. He turns to me. "Come on, I'll show you where you can sleep."

"Sleep well, Love," Fletcher calls after us.

"She's going to need it, isn't she?" Weston says. "Having to deal with that one all day."

Their laughter fades behind us as Liam silently leads me up the stairs.

Strange, the boy I know from my dreams would have been laughing right along with them.

"Here..," Liam says, opening a door to one of the rooms and flicking on the lights. "You can stay here for the night. There are some clothes in that drawer if you wanted to change."

"Thanks..," I reply, taking a couple tentative steps into the room.

"Yeah," he replies, starting to leave before turning back to face me. "Oh, and if you could manage not to run off, that'd be great."

"Why would I run off?" I ask, finding my voice for what feels like the first time in ages. It sounds strange to my ears, as if I'm not even myself in this unfamiliar setting. "We're in the middle of nowhere."

Help Me Close My EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang