Chapter 3

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Cameron broke up with me but I was able to forget about it thanks to Dean.

I didn't know if to cry from the break up or because of how much he knew me. He played Olivia and I sang at the top of my lungs because Sour is meant for breakups. I was surprised to hear Dee singing along.

We made it home at 5:40ish. I didn't check what time exactly we came through the door. Too lost in thought of how hungry I am. My stomach was growling for the third time by the time I saw the pizzas at the kitchen island.

Tommy, my 4 year old brother, is covered in flour when I make my way to mezmerize over the pies. He's laughing and you can see his toothless smile. There is one tooth on top and three on the bottom of his smile.

"Great, you guys are home!" Mom says happily. She's wearing a white apron with cats on it. Her hair is a mess with her entire self covered in patches of flour. Just as I think that Tommy exclaims and throws a handful of flour at Dee and I.

"Hey, buddy. You need help with that." Dean says going to help that little rascal with his pie.

Dean is hoping to major in culinary arts. He wants to become a chef and one day own a restaurant. I told him that when he opened one he needed to serve an array of ice cream. He said if and I said when. We argued for a couple of minutes until he relented and agreed with me that when he did he would indeed have multiple flavors of ice cream. He promised, we can't ever break a promise. Ever. It would be a crime.

I watch them and I love how nice and gentle Dee's with Tommy. Tommy loves when Dean reads to him. Mom loves it when they're together and she never misses an opportunity to nudge me and tell me to see he's great. I just shake my head and smile.

Grandma is kneading dough on the counter. She passes me a good size ball of dough and I kiss her on the head as a thanks.

I roll my dough out next to Tommy's and ask him about school.

We eat and Dean leaves. I head back to my room and when I collapse at my unmade bed. I fall into a deep slumber.


I wake up feeling better today.

I step into my Crocs and go out the hall to the bathroom. I don't have one in my room. Mom and dad have the master which has a bathroom with it. Tommy shares the hall bathroom with me even though his room is upstairs with my parents.

As I'm heading in I hear voices in the kitchen. My curiousness gets the best of me and I go out of the hall.

Dean is talking with my dad. They're murmuring something like it's a secret. I come into the kitchen and abruptly stop.

I wonder what they're talking about. Dad wasn't able to make it for dinner so I didn't see him last night. But it's weird because it's seven in the morning and here is Dean in my house already ready for school. Meanwhile I'm here with bed hair and bad breath, still in my pj's.

"What's going on?" I ask nervously, looking at them expectantly.

They look at each other before dad answers. "Dean, here, was telling that Cameron broke up with you."

My heart drops. I had forgotten all about that. Now, mom is going to be mad because dad found out ahead of her.

"Yeah, he did?" I say slightly confused. Why is Dean here right now? And why did he tell my dad Cameron broke up with me?

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