Chapter 11

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They're matching. I can't believe they're matching. Dean and Lindsay, they are wearing the same color coordinations. He's wearing all black, black slacks and a black tight t-shirt that demonstrates his biceps. She's wearing a silk black cossak and black wide leg pants. Black.

I thought it was just a coincidence but no. They have matching white BEANIES, I know for a fact they're Lindsay's because Dean never wears beanies. He disposed of the little he had of them when he moved from Florida. I guess he didn't want to wear the white scarfs I saw Lindsay tuck in her bag.

My heart is completely fucked up. It's sad, it's mad. And don't let me replay the encounterment we had in the library yesterday. I was so appalled that I stayed numb. I couldn't believe he was there.

My heart and soul were in denial. I had gone to the library to get another book because I wanted to take my mind off things. And reading the book we were reading together was just going to make me think about him.

So, I decided to go and check out another. I hadn't even thought about him being there, that when I saw him, I couldn't believe it. I had to get out of there, which is the reason I left without a book.

Seeing him with her and the fact that they came to school MATCHING, tells me there's something going on there. You don't just color coordinate with a rando, it has to be because they're dating for sure. I don't think they would be matching if they just became friends.

This fucked up situation is making my mind play Happier - Olivia Rodrigo and I don't like that. Why did he end things with us to go to her?

I have no idea.


In a couple days we're going to have the talent show. We've been practicing after school and at home. Darcy has been doing such a great job with me. I like her, there's something about her that makes you feel good. She's really nice and honest.

We work well together.

Today's practice was fun. We got to order pizza and I just love pizza. Mmmh, just thinking about it is making my stomach growl. The class had gathered together and we sang karaoke style till the end of our sessions.

It was funny seeing other people's taste in music. We sang to a lot of Taylor Swift, Adele, Bruno Mars, Conan Gray, LANY, The neighborhood, etcetera.

Once it's late I head to my dad's old car. A blue SUV a four door car with terrible A/C. I started getting back on the road on my own again because you know the um. Yeah. And now since I don't have a ride to school or anywhere really. Dad decided on giving me his old car, it had been sitting on the driveway with the wheels encompassed by spiderwebs and weeds.

I saved this baby from misery and neglect. This is my vehicle that takes me wherever I like.

I still hate driving because it scares me. How can people trust the engineering that goes in cars? Or the people on the road? I feel like we're just putting ourselves in line to death.

I may not come home today because of the fault of the car or the driver of another car. It's all in the car, it is it's fault.

I'm paranoid.

Is anybody else like this? When someone or you says a word that is from a song do you ever just sing it. Because I'm like that.

Once I get in the car I turn the car on and play Paranoid - Chase Atlantic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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