The Wilds part 3

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"Head first to the Foundry child, and there you will begin to understand. But be warned, for the Foundry does not take to strangers lightly. The inhabitants may direct their malice to you, and not see what you truly are. Stand with the inhabitants of this world, and guide them to the end."

Enix's form changed as he hit the ground, bouncing back upwards and clearing nearly a meter off the ground. As he landed, his gelatinous form protected Ingot. What was once a small humanoid figure was replaced with a teardrop shaped gelatinous figure, with Ingot flailing its small limbs within. The hole they had fallen through seemed to be the size of the Roc they had encountered, and almost three times its length, nothing but broken wooden planks and mossy stone around him.

That was close. Enix thought, releasing his friend before assuming his humanoid form again, using 'Change Form'. He leapt upwards, sprouting limbs and clothing, and after that his head, with a pair of emerald green eyes and long pale hair that fell back his shoulders as he practically fell on his rear. He called forth a screen, reading it over and giving silent thanks.

Slime Physiology (Passive) Lvl: MAX

Your physiology is primordial, amorphous, adaptable, and most importantly gelatinous! Made of a strange and ancient fluid, you are highly specialized to light, electricity and water!! Just stay away from necrosis or high frequencies of sound and you should be fine!

10% Resistance to Bludgeoning, Fire and Acid damage.

20% Vulnerability to Necrotis and Thunder

30% Bonus to Water, Lightning and Radiance.

Immune to stun, poison, paralysis, fall damage and sleep.

Ingot walked up to him, butting against the boy's leg softly in concern.

"Don't worry, I'm alright. You seem okay yourself, thankfully." Enix sighed, lying down and allowing himself rest. It would take him until the next sun phase to fully recuperate, but he felt safe down here, and didn't think-

The sound of moving stone interrupted his thoughts. He looked to see the larger statue had fallen with him. It's legs gone, it crawled towards him, seemingly unwavering. Enix stood up, approaching the statue cautiously.

It had the resemblance of a large man with markings over a bare chest and arms. It's forearms were covered in wrappings. What was left of its waist and legs were crumbled pieces strewn around where it had fallen. More so, it was nearly twice the size of any of the statues Enix had seen, which were already three times his size. It's chest was bare, save for an ornate Japamala that seemed to hang around its neck, had the man not been made of stone.

Enix made sure to keep his distance as he recovered, walking around the hole as the statue feebly dragged itself after him. Enix pondered on what he should do, how he could escape, or even survive. Climbing up presented an issue, as the statues were still above. He searched for a way out in the hole, but found the circular stone walls sound and without any other entrances. Eventually, Enix simply sat down, contemplating.

"What should I do Ingot? I don't think we can safely climb our way past those things." The boy absent-mindedly put his hand on the metallic creature's head. It hummed, practically purring and closing its eyes. Enix couldn't figure out an escape.

But escape wasn't his only option. He usually hesitated with this, knowing of his own vulnerability. Yet if it didn't yield an escape, perhaps it would yield other roads he could take. Enix sighed, a screen appearing.

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