The Isle Above part 2: Recruitment

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Mom and Dad,

You told me many stories about what it was like down here. You told me about the strange creatures that lived down there, showing me the drawings. You even told me about the green and blue that colored the surface. Yet being able to see it myself as I came down upon it. Seeing the first of the survey camps, meeting everyone there was like a dream come true.

Goldry told me about some of the stories you didn't, about your time down here. He still laughs about the incident with the berries (he blames Dad). I begin my assignment tomorrow. I only hope that with each accomplishment I make you more proud, wherever you have gone.

Wish me luck,


"Thank you for flying me personally, director. I hope it wasn't too much of a burden to leave your office so suddenly."

"Nonsense dear girl. It behooved me to take this trip regardless." He paused as he tested the levers. "Besides, I was quite fond of your parents. I hope to witness some of them in you while in the field." He untied the mooring as the glider lurched forward. The director himself was an average sized man, boasting a large mustache and an athletic frame for one as aged as him.

The glider bounced as the weight contrasted against the two sails on each side, and they began a descent, growing in rapidity.

"Have you flown gliders often?" Lyra said over the wind and the shaking of their vehicle.

"Not at all, it is a first time for both of us!" He said matter-of-factly, Lyra's head whipping around to face him.

"Oh... Really?"

"I jest."

Lyra was unprepared as the sky glider dropped suddenly, its two sails collapsed inward and the front end of the hull dipped forward. She couldn't help but yelp in glee as she felt a fluttering in her stomach. The world tilted as the glider pitched downwards, and the wind began to whip at her hair, stealing the tears from her eyes as the white layer below suddenly grew closer.

"Get ready child!" The director's mustache flapped wildly in the wind as he manned the strange craft until it pierced through the clouds. Lyra suddenly felt intense cold and moisture for barely a moment, as suddenly, the world below her materialized.

The clouds gave way for the moons to illuminate the verdant forests and brilliant seas below. Massive mountains loomed to her left, and below her a speck of gray and red surrounded by the forest. Lyra looked at the scene before her through tear-stained eyes and beyond, at the curvature of the horizon.

They continued to fall for a few more breadths before Gehrlan pulled on the levers, and the sails unfurled, jolting the two passengers as the craft slowed its descent, slowly circling its destination. Lyra got a good look at the structures made by the other member of her new corp. The camp was surrounded by a stone wall, Lyra noting it to be cobblestone as she neared. The smaller buildings were made of wood, with the larger structures being made of clay and tiled. The largest building was the business center, and directly in front of it was the Canteen, a place of rest for the members of the corp. Behind the main building sat the granary and supply depots, and barracks and the smaller latrines lined the main building. The north facing side was a courtyard with stables and some farmland, where other members of the core seemed to be spending their off time.

The section we were aiming for, however, seemed to be atop the main building, a landing zone built atop. The small craft rattled as Gehrlan oriented the craft to decelerate in a quick incline, expertly maneuvering between the two wooden sections of walkway. Two corp members were already there to moor the glider to the dock. A third person stood at the edge of the dock, and the badges on the uniform indicated to Lyra that this was indeed the commander.

"Commander Dao! Thank you for the smooth landing as usual." The director said, standing as the tall woman approached, clasping their hands together in greeting.

"Thank you for the heart palpitations, as usual. Any chance you can slow down your descent on your next trip here?"

"Unlikely." His expressionless reply hid his humor to the rest as the Commander turned to the young girl, her amber eyes piercing through Lyra.

"Miss Bellaquis I presume? Good of you to join us in haste. I've heard promising results from your academic pursuits." She shook Lyra's hand, the two corp members assisting with her bags.

"Thank you commander. It's an honor to be a part of the team." Lyra beamed up at the woman.

"I'll have Proclus give you a tour of our camp after he delivers your belongings to the barracks. For now, I would like to have a private discussion with you and the director in my office."

"Of course ma'am."

"I believe I am in trouble." The director whispered to the girl as he walked past, followed by the commander.

They walked inside the stairway of the three story building down to the first floor. Commander Dao's office was the first room facing the large set of double doors, a sizable room with desks and multiple stacks of papers. Boards with writing scrawled on them line the walls around the desk.

"I appreciate the last minute change Dao. This was a... special case. Am sure she-" He said as the Commander took a seat behind her desk.

"I will only say this once." The commander interrupted, eyeing the director, but glaring at Lyra.

"I only accepted this case because of the respect I have for you, Gehrlan. But make no mistake. Just as I have read about her academics, so too have I read about her disciplinary record and athletic performance. I can readily acknowledge the talent in studies, but were she not recommended by you, I wouldn't have even considered accepting her into the team."

There it is, Lyra thought. She knew that there would have been conflict from the director's reconsideration of the application.

"I understand your position Dao. But I hope you also understand that I place full confidence in her." Director Gehrlan said, dropping the formalities of their titles.

"I am not questioning your decision Gehrlan. I merely wish to make it known that she will not be deriving special treatment."

"Commander," Lyra said, "With all due respect, I have no intention of being a hindrance to your operation here." The commander snapped her gaze back to the girl.

"You might have been given special treatment due to certain circumstances during your time in the academy, but here, you will be treated just as every survey member. You will earn your meal and your rest with the work you provide to my operation. I intend to make full use of your academic abilities, is that understood?"

Lyra exhaled slowly before flashing her a smile, to the commander's surprise.

"I'll earn the director's recommendations, and do my best. I swear to you."

The commander paused before replying. "Very well. I'll hold you to that. Now go, in the morning you'll be starting your first assignment."

"Already? Seems pretty soon." The director piped in.

"A team has made a remarkable discovery, and I would like it analyzed and recorded for closer study."

"Oh, what is it? Flora? Fauna?" Lyra couldn't help but ask, the excitement already pounding in her chest.

The commander met her gaze once more, her expression neutral.

"The team discovered a set of stone ruins."

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