Trouble on the Horizon

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The security Guards each closed in around Zento as the Naval Police inched closer towards them. "There are moore of us than ther are yew", bragged the officer from before while stopping just outside of one of her guards' reach. The faces of the four guards were covered with helmets and a tight ski mask but the Naval Police officers could tell by the movements under the masks that Zento's security detail were pissed and well trained. The helicopter pilots were leaning out of their respective sides of the AW109 with revolvers drawn and hammer pulled back just as the security detail racked a round in their weapons preparing for a firefight. Zento smirked while nodding at her pilots who closed the doors to the cockpit and started the aircraft's engines. "Fleet command this is VIP transport callsign red fifteen how copy?" Asked the pilot who was attempting to radio Zentorno while carefully watching the scene outside the chopper. Zento grabbed the shoulder of one of her guards, "Lets go",she started calmly while looking back towards the helicopter, "The windows are resistant to small arms fire and so is you guys' armor plating". A devilish grin crept up her cheeks as the guard nodded and gave a hand signal which caused the group to slowly inch near the waiting helicopter. The captain of the Naval Police fired two warning shots near the helicopter, "I THOUGHT I SED DROP YOUR WEAHPONZ!" The captains yelling made his subordinates inch closer to the group with their weapons at the ready. "Shots fired red two requesting permission to engage", said one of the guards while Zento was being helped in the helicopter. Zento smiled and gave a thumbs up, "You have the greenlight to engage red two", she replied while reaching for her phone. The guard whose call sign was red one signaled the rest of his team to take up a defensive formation around the helicopter. The atmosphere was thick again as the two groups stared at each other with their weapons raised. Moments Red-Two gave the order to open fire and within seconds the group of africans surrounding them were dead at their feet. "Threat neutralized lets pop smoke boys", said Red-Two as he began to board the helicopter with the rest of the Red RR team following suit. The helicopter pilots smirked under their balaclavas as they made the helicopter slowly rise over the ships deck and into the direction of the flotilla from which they came. "Well... that could've gone better than expected, '' said Zento to nobody in particular with a low sigh. "Tsk, shit wasn't going anywhere",replied Red-Three while taking a sip of water from his canteen, "honestly I think that dropping those motherfuckers was the best thing that could've happened on that boat". His response earned a mix of low chuckles and laughter from the rest of the RRT while the admiral rolled her eyes, finding said response slightly annoying. "Next time I leave the carrier I'm bringing team blue instead", she replied with a playful grin. The pilots along with the RRT began laughing along with the admiral, "You know we're your favorite response team miss admiral",Red-One chimed in while pointing to her. Zento shook her head before staring out onto the open ocean as they flew back to their home carrier.

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