Strike Force Bravo Indigo on Deck

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Back on the USS Leslie Captain Rainbow and his friend Uzi were busy running routine maintenance on a UH60 Blackhawk that came back from an airpatrol and caught a fuselage full of flak. “Tsk, this’ll be a long afternoon”, said Uzi as he began dislodging a piece of the helicopter from its frame. “We’ll be done with this within a few hours babes so don't fret”, replied Rainbow with a cheeky grin while he removed one of the damaged weapon systems from a stub wing on the side of the helicopter. “I wonder where the twins are”, asked Uzi as he wiped some sweat off his brow. Rainbow shrugged and reached for a radio then passed it to his purple eyed companion, “try and get 'em on the radio B”, he replied while the other male gently sat the radio beside them. A slight grin crept over Uzi’s face as he tackled Rainbow gently into the passenger area of the damaged helicopter and stared into the dark crimson colored eyes of the male beneath him with his own purple tinted ones. A blush spread across Rainbows face,”H-hey” he started while tilting his head away from the male above him “now's not the time nor the place”,his main focus was still on fixing the helicopter before the admirals returned but it was as clear as the waters the ships sailed on that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Uzi giggled softly before tilting Rainbow’s head back toward him, “I think”,he whispered sweetly into his ear, “that we deserve a break for a while”, the deep purple eyes that stared at Rainbow were filled with a lust that made them sparkle in the sunlight. Rainbow’s deep crimson eyes were filled with the same lust and desire that emanated off his lover. Slowly Uzi inched his face closer and closer to Rainbow expecting retaliation. When no retaliation came however, he carefully pinned the other male onto the floor and kissed him. Rainbow squeaked softly before melting into the kiss and holding Uzi by the waist. The feeling of soft lips on his were like putting your lips on cotton candy, soft and sweet to the touch. He couldn't feel it but he could tell that Uzi had a smirk on his face when he felt a tongue wrap around his own. For those few moments they felt like there was nobody else in the world but them, that is until the sound of someone clearing their throat along with the sounds of rifles being primed ruined the moment the two males were having. “Welp...that was fun while it lasted”, whispered Uzi while standing up with his hands raised. “This is what being a horny idiot gets you babes”,Rainbow responded in an annoyed yet semi lust filled tone while following suit. Standing before them were the admiral and her security team. “Sorry not sorry for interrupting your moment”, said Zento while her and the protection detail chuckled softly causing the two males to blush, “but I need you two idiots to help prep a strike team in fifteen. Savvy?” She asked in a stern respect demanding tone. “Yeah yeah we're on it oh gracious sea queen”, Rainbow replied earning a death glare from both the admiral and Uzi. The admiral stared down the deck of the ship before staring back at the duo infront of her, “This is going to be our first combat strike so stand tall and look good gentlemen”, she would begin to walk away while still speaking, “the world is watching”. Rainbow let out a nervous chuckle as he watched the group leave “Welp...that answers your question”, he said while grabbing Uzi’s hand and while making his way to the ship's aircraft storage facility.
Uzi softly kissed his cheek, “Unfortunately it does”, he stared out on the ocean before walking with his companion, “the lads are going to be excited about this eh rain?” His voice was filled with a mix of childlike excitement and a stint of violence. Rainbow kissed his forehead and nodded, “of course the pilots are gonna be excited mate”,he replied while picking up the smaller male bridal style, “they’re gonna be able to get into the action instead of flying patrols babes”,he replied with a smile on his face. A blush spread across Uzi’s face as he was being carried, “B-baka”, he spat before burying his head in his chest and inhaling the scent of his lover.

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