Why they did it

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Logan just grunted and walked out of the office. I had a feeling that I knew him from somewhere but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Not that it mattered right now; getting answers about my father was my main priority right now.

"I want answers." I turned back to face my parents. "Why did you lie for so many years?"

"We didn't want to lie to you. You have to understand that first and foremost. We did it for your own safety." Dad began. "Why don't you have a seat while your mother and I explain everything." I sat down in the chair next to Uncle Hank's. "When I met your mother I was 45 years old. I had known since I was about nine years old that I was different. Your mother on the other hand had no clue. She had been creating portals in her sleep for almost twenty years and waking up in different places, normally in places she frequented, such as school, work, different rooms in her home. Her family just assumed she was sleep walking. It wasn't until twenty years after her powers showed up that I found her and told her what was going on." Taking a deep breath, he sighed and glanced over at my mom.

"Your father was the one who taught me how to use my powers. I kind of developed a sort of hero worship for him. He was this sexy, smart, older gentleman, plus he still had all his hair." Mom joked, causing everyone to chuckle. "I started following him everywhere. I asked him out so many time, I was almost afraid he would put a restraining order on me."

"I wouldn't have. I had the biggest crush on you, but I was too chicken to act on it." Dad interrupted her.

"Anyways, I followed your father around for a whole year before he finally agreed to go out with me. About six weeks later we were married. I knew the first time we kissed that no one else would ever do. We wanted children badly, and we were both getting up there in age so we knew we had to start soon. Your father and Uncle Hank had been studying other mutant couples and had come to learn that they couldn't have children. They had been working with mutant DNA and embryos, trying to make it possible for these couples that wanted children to be able to have them." Mom continued.

"We finally came upon the right combination of DNA that made it possible for mutants to have children. We artificial inseminated five women. Only you and one other baby survived the pregnancy and birth. Shortly after you and the other baby were born, we knew you were both going to be very different. You both were demonstrating your powers days after birth. Word had somehow gotten out about you and the other baby; the military wanted you both. They killed the other babies father, his mother almost didn't make it to us in time. She died after reaching us, even though we tried everything to save her. Before she died though, she told us why the military wanted you both so badly. They wanted to raise you to be weapons in the fight against mutants." Dad hung his head, lost in the memories.

"Your father did the only thing he could to protect both of you, he put up a sort of mental block that would repress your powers until you were older. What we didn't count on, was just how powerful you were, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Your father got two dead babies, and a dead woman that looked like me, from the morgue, and he faked our deaths. In order for this to really work though, we had to go far away, leaving your father behind. We knew they were going to be watching his every move. And we couldn't risk it. I had to lie to you about your father so that they could never find you. Not until you were old enough to know the truth." Mom finished telling the story with a sigh. "You have no idea how badly I've wanted to tell you all this."

I stood up and began to wander around the office with my left arm behind me pulling on my hair. I tried to find the words to express my shock. Nothing came to mind.

"Where is he?" The words just tumbled out of my mouth before I realized they were even going to, and now that I had said then I realized I really did want to know. I turned to face my parents and Uncle Hank.

****note: the picture is actually one of my son. I couldn't find one online that I liked. :P. ~~~~~

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