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Salvatore house

Stefan sees as Ella hears a banging noise downstairs (Gilbert house). She gets up and walks down the stairs and says "Elena is that you.". She walks down the stairs Stefan behind her.

Stefan looks and sees himself come out of the shadow with his vampire face on.

Ella sees his face and runs back up the stairs right through Stefan. She gets to the top and the other Stefan speeds in front of her.

She quickly tries to go down the stairs she opens the door of the house and sees dream Stefan standing outside. She screams as she shuts the door leaning against it. She hears no noises and decides to walk forward.

She looks around as the other Stefan appears from behind and grabs her and his vampire face appears. His teeth sink into her neck as he feeds and feeds her shrieks slowly fade away.

Ellas body drops to the ground right below the other dream Stefan feet. Stefan looks and he sees 'himself' with her blood over his face. He looks down again and sees Elenas body right next to Ellas.

Stefans eyes halt open as he gets up and sees Damon sipping bourbon on his desk. "Bad dream. Do you know how easy it was to get in your head just now?" Damon says as he clips his tongue on the rough of his mouth making a clicking sound.

"You really need some human blood. It might even the playing field. And I know just who's you need" Damon smirks and adds "Football reference. Too soon?" Damon says.

Stefan speeds out of bed and grabs a knife and throws it at Damon. Hitting him in the chest. Damon gets up in ease and pulls it out not feeling any pain.

He plays around with the knife and says "Alright I deserved that. But I just wanted to let you know they caught the culprit. The animal responsible for killing coach  tanner and all those people.".

"What're you talking about?" Stefan asks.

"A mountain lion. Really big one. It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news.

"Deadly beast captured all's well in mystic falls" Damon says holding up his hands.

"Why would you cover your tracks?" Stefan asks.

Damon does his eye thing and walks around the room and says "I've decided to stay a while and I'm having way to much fun here with you and the twins.".

"Cant touch them now." Stefan says still not knowing about Ellas necklace.

"The vervain keeps me out of their small innocent little heads. Maybe that's not my target. Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need persuasion. Some girls just can't resist my hood looks....my style and my charm...and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor swift."

Damon says as he moves closer and closer to a Stefan with each sentence. Damon stabs Stefan in the chest as he falls to the floor.

Damon says "I have a ability to seduce really good cheerleaders too...you know kinda like Ella. I can even do boring and dull people.....like Elena."

Damon walks out of the room. Stefan groans and eventually pulls the knife out of him. He lifts his shirt to see the wound healing.

The real animal is still out there waiting for me...challenging me to fight back to stop him. But how do I stop the monster without becoming one myself. Stefan writes.

Gilbert house

"Scum ball, scum bucket." Jenna says watching the news.

The Doppelgänger Twins/ Stefan SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now