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Gilbert house

Gilbert house
Ella looks at the ceiling of her room laying in bed.

She gets up and walks to the bathroom. She opens the door and sees Jeremy brushing her teeth.

"Oh. Sorry." Ella apologies.

"Oh no, it's cool. I'm done." Jeremy says.

"You should learn to lock the door," Ella says sarcastically. Jeremy chuckles.

Elena walks into the bathroom to see what her siblings are talking about.

"Where are you going so early?" Ella questions as she grabs her toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Police station. They're organizing a search party for Vicki, so-" Jeremy is saying and us walking out of the bathroom.

Elena cuts him off and says "Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?" Jeremy turns around.

"What? You're kidding me right?" Jeremy says annoyed at his sister.

Ella watches in the mirror as she sees Elena and Jeremy argue.

"You shouldn't skip school. I'd they find her we'll know. That's what cell phones are for." Elena says.

"Yeah, your lips keep movin' I don't know why," Jeremy says to Elena and storms off.

Elena turns around and looks at Ella whose brushing her teeth awkwardly not trying to look at Elena.

Ella sighs and closes her eyes for a minute and says "Salvatore's?"

"Mhmm" Elena responds.

Salvatore house

Ella and Elena stand at the Salvatore house's door. Ella rings the bell and the door opens.

Damon opens the door and smirks.
Ella's face forms a disgraced expression as she glared at Damon.

"Is Stefan here?" Ella questions Damon.

"Yep," Damon says arrogantly.

"Where is he?" Elena questions.

"And good morning to you, girls on a mission," Damon replies.

"How can you be arrogant and glib after everything you've done?" Ella says confidently.

"And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?" Damon replies leaning on the door.

"If you wanted us dead, we'd be dead," Ella replies with a smirk.

"Yes, you would," Damon replies.

"But we're not," Elena replies for Ella.

"Yet," Damon adds.

Ella gives Damon and looks telling him we hate you. Damon smirks.

"Where is Stefan?" Ella asks again.

"He's upstairs singing "The rain in Spain." Damon says "knock yourselves out."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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