Part 1

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It was early summer morning, the first of the sun peaked threw the apartment window, gently waking up Y/N. Her eyes fluttered open with content before turning to face the alarm clock. 8:13am it read.

"Shit!" She mentally yelled at herself, sprinting out of bed. "Shit, shit, shit!" She repeat as she ran to her wardrobe to throw on the first suit she could find. She quickly did the bare minimum of make up, brushed her hair into a ponytail and brushed her teeth before running out the door to her first day at her new job.

A tube ride and what felt like a century in a taxi later she made it to her destination. She looked up at the towering compound, the huge A on the side of it. The Avengers HQ. Y/N pinched herself, was this real? She had always dreamt of being a superhero growing up, she guessed being a personal assistant to one would be the next best thing.

"You okay?" She heard a low voice ask from behind. Startling her out of her thoughts, she spins around. A tall blonde muscular man stares down.

"Y-Yes! Sorry! It's my first day on the job. I'm Y/N, by the way."

"I'm Steve." He smiled warmly. Yeah, duh, she knew who he was. He's only one of the biggest superheroes on the planet. She couldn't show her excitement though, not on the first day at least. "Congratulations on the job! What is it exactly?"

"I'm the new Personal Assistant to Mr Stark."

"Well let's hope you've caught him in a good mood." He softly laughs, she can't help but smile at the infectious laugh yet the comment also struck anxiety threw her bones. What if he was already in a bad mood and she was fired on the first day? She mentally shook her head to remove the thought. "Did you get him coffee?"

"I didn't think I would need to?" She replied, both of them slowly approaching the front glass doors to the building. "Great so not only am I 10 minutes late for my first ever day here, I'm now going to get fired for not giving him coffee!" Y/N half heartily laughed, looking to the ground.

"Here take this," Steve offers, stretching out his arm to give her the take away cup that he was holding. "I had just got this for myself, but this will give him a good impression of you."

She takes the drink off him, smiling gratefully at the tall man. "That's kind of you. You don't have to do that though, what are you going to drink now?"

He shrugs, "I should lay off the coffee anyway, you'll be doing me a favour." He admits as he continues walking into the building. "Good luck on the first day!" He yells, looking back at her. She speed walk into the building, Steve had already disappeared, she approach the closest staircase to begin the man hunt for her new boss.

"You're late." A voice states from across the room. Sheepishly, she turns to the sound, knowing exactly who said it. She walk towards the dark haired man, his eyes are shielded by his sunglasses but the thin lined lips and arms crossed proves he's not happy. "You were suppose to start 10 minutes ago."

"I'm sorry Mr Stark, I was held up in a long line whilst getting you coffee." Y/N lies, handing the cup over to her boss. "I promise I won't be late in the future."

"Hmm..." He mutters, lowering his sunglasses to examine the cup, spinning it around in his hands. His brown eyes scanning every inch of it. "Okay, I guess I can let you off with a warning this time... Now follow me, you have a lot of work to do." He spins around, taking large strides through the building. She struggles to catch up with his pace.

After what feels like walking a marathon - seriously why does the building need to be this large?? - she arrives at Tony's office on one of the top floors. "And then after that just place the keys on the desk here." He finishes, going around his large cherry stained desk to sit on his leather black chair. "Any questions?" Y/N looks down at the notes she had already been writing as they were walking up to the room. Admittedly they were a mess and some of it was incoherent, but she was not going to tell him to repeat everything again for her. Instead, she shakes her head, plastering a smile across her face. "Good. Now let's talk about living arrangements." He gestures for her to sit in one of the plush dark green chairs on the other side of the desk.

"What about living arrangements?" She knots her eyebrows in confused as she sits down in the chair and places the notebook on the table in front of her.

"Where do you live now?"

"I currently live in Queens."

"Yeah, okay..." He mutters standing up and moving to the large window behind him, staring out at the view. "No, that's too far to get here. You can have one of the guest bedrooms here."

"Excuse me?" Y/N was dumbfounded. Did he really just ask her to come move into the huge mansion?

"What if I need you to do something for me urgently and I have to wait an hour because you live across the city?" He turns to face her, removing his sunglasses and moving back towards the desk, leaning both hands against it. "Use this afternoon to get your stuff from your old place and I can get someone to help you settle into your new room."

"Erm, yeah, of course!" She excitedly smiles, standing up to get eye level with him. "Thank you so much, Sir!"

"Don't mention it." He smiles at her. He moves to sit back in his chair and covers his eyes with his tinted sunglasses once again. "But first, get me another coffee, kid. It was sweet of you get this for me, but there's way too much milk in it." He places the now cold coffee in front of her. "It might as well be flavoured milk. Only an animal would enjoy this."

"Of course." She grabs the cup and heads towards the door.

"And Y/N," she turns around to face Tony. "Remember, I'm doing this as a favour for your father. Don't screw this up." She nods determinedly, before leaving to start her official first day at her new job.

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