Part 3

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Y/N spends the next week working for her uncle, grabbing coffees, photocopying documents and a lot of dry cleaning pick ups. "I just need this last document photocopying and then you can finish for the day." Tony tells her, standing up from behind his desk and handing her the small brown folder.

"Of course, Mr Stark." She nods her head, leaving the office and walking down the corridor towards the printer room. She notices Steve walking up towards her, "looking good, Rogers!" She jokes, throwing up a gun sign to him.He softly laughs as he stops in front of her.

"Looking good yourself, Y/N!"

"I always look good!" She smirks, flicking her hair off her shoulder, making Steve laugh.

"I can't deny that..." She hears him mutter. "So what are you doing?"

"Just some office stuff, I lead an exciting life don't you know." She jokes, holding up the document in her hand. "What about you?"

He chuckles, making you blush. Why does he have such an infectious laugh? "I'm just meeting Natasha and Bucky!"

"How have I been here for a week now and I haven't met this infamous Bucky yet?"

"He's been on a mission and only recently came back. You'll get to meet him soon enough!" He softly smiles down at her. "I have to go though, I'll catch up with you in a bit!" He tells her, placing a hand on her shoulder before walking back down the corridor.

A few hours later Y/N is sat in the kitchen alone, nursing a glass of red wine whilst admiring the scenic view out of the window in a peaceful silence. Her mind begins to wander to thoughts of her dad. A slight stinging pain hits her chest and her eyes well up. It was hard not to get emotional at the thought of him. He was her stability and role model growing up. He was the most caring and thoughtful father in the world, according to her.

"Hey Y/N!" She hears a feminine voice shout out from the doorway, snapping her out of her thoughts. Probably for the best as she knew she would have started crying if she thought about him for even a second longer. She turns her head and sees Natasha, Bucky and Steve walking into the room.

"Hey, guys!" Her eyes land on the dark haired man, without saying a word Y/N could tell he was a reserved man. "Hi, you must be Bucky? I'm Y/N!"

"Nice to meet you." He softly replies, not making eye contact with her which she thought was strange.

"Steve told me a lot about you! It must be nice to have another OAP in the building?" She teasingly jokes before taking a sip of her wine to hide her smirk.Steve and Nat both laugh, walking around the island in the middle of the room before taking a seat either side of her. Bucky however, stays standing on the opposite end, both hands resting on the cool surface.

"We just met Y/N, don't call me old." He groans, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry grandpa!"Steve can't help but laugh at her comment, quickly shutting up when he sees his best friend giving him a death stare. He clears him throat and turns his head to her. "So, are you enjoying the job?"

"Yeah, it's good thanks! He's not asked me to do anything crazy yet, so that's always nice."

"Have you asked Tony about training yet?" Natasha asks her, getting up from her chair and heading to the large steel fridge to make herself a drink. She notices in the corner of her eye that Steve cocks his head in interest at the question.

"No not yet, I was going to do that tonight." She lied. She had no one intention on asking Tony for training lessons, she already knew the answer would be no. So what was the point?

"Going to do what, exactly?" Tony asks, walking into the room as if on queue. "I'll have a red wine, Romanoff." She rolls her eyes yet doesn't respond and instead pulls a glass out from the cupboard.

"I was going to ask you if I could get some training lessons? I want to be a bit more useful than just coffee runs."His eyebrows rise in surprise, although they dropped again fast enough before anyone notices.

"Absolutely not." He states calmly, taking a sip of the drink Natasha hands him. "You're an assistant, you don't need any training. End of discussion." He leaves the room again before his niece can protest.She lets out a small sigh. It was obvious his answer would be no. He was right, she was only his assistant, what business did she have getting training lessons from actual superheroes. Natasha looks over at her, seeing the disappointment she was trying to hid from her face.

"Ignore him Y/N." She smiles. "We'll train you!"Everyone in the room raises their eyebrows in confusion at the statement Natasha just said.

"Wait, you will?" Y/N beams, struggling to hide her excitement in her voice.

"Suppose it wouldn't hurt to have some self-defence moves under your belt." Steve adds, smiling a toothless grin towards her. "This should be fun!" He teasingly jokes, nudging Y/N in her shoulder gently.

"Thank you." She softly speaks, placing her hand over his on the island table and letting it linger there long than she needed to.

"I guess I don't really have a say in this, do I?" They hear Bucky groan on the other side of the room. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"We'll start tomorrow morning." Natasha informs everyone, ignoring Bucks disinterest.

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