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It has been a couple of years since the world ended, and by the end, I mean the era in which humanity started to decline. The technology that once lifted our ascension had made us suffer to the brink of extinction. Paradises that contain plants with perishable goods are no longer habitable due to radiation, and animals that can be considered livestock are now tainted with poisonous substances.

Let's face it, it's pretty much humanity's end the moment the war came to a halt.

The moment when America bombed North Korea, the great war started between the East versus the West. It was once considered World War 3, but as journalist minds published articles, it was no longer numbered, it was the last war humanity should face, thus, they called it "The Apocalyptic War"

It was a series of war after war in a period of two years. In the first year, America allied with all the countries of Europe, and all of NATO, except Germany (Which allied with Russia). The CSTO, eastern countries such as the entire Korean peninsula and Japan, mainland China (with people in Taiwan), and pretty much all Asian nations including Philippines, Timor Leste, and Asian third world countries allied together. Those who were not allied were either colonized by threat or reduced to ashes without any external protection. The international conflicts ended after one and a half years, this resulted in the eradication of 80% of the human population, and with the results; nobody won.

Most of the earth became polluted and radioactive due to nuclear wastes, and places that were not affected by it were either inhabited with savage flora and fauna or uninhabitable by nature.

The remaining human population, according to reports, were the central part of what is known as Venezuela for the west, The Luzon part of the Philippines, and Turkey. Despite the declared habitable places, it does not necessarily mean that the remaining population is native. Some are international refugees that managed to stay there by pure luck. In addition, there are also some settlements in other areas, some beg to say- nobody knows for sure though.

In the succeeding months, it was a hunt for resources, and for quite an absurd reason, this additionally declined the human population by another 50%. The reported remaining population was estimated at 900,000 at that time.

In the present times, I can only imagine my previous life coming back. No mother nor father to call, no person to call a friend, merely resource rivals. I am merely sitting on a concrete bench, painted in blue to call it mine with 5 expired biscuits that could make me last for a week, it was the remaining items I have.

The air smelled like shit, blood, and sweat. Men and women are only wary of each other in the midst of crisis, nobody is trusting each other. In my life as a 17-year old, I managed to survive by stealing abandoned weapons of war to protect myself from hostile creatures.

My very own ran-down jacket could shield me from the cold no more, and my rotting pants can only shield my leg from the rain that falls from the sky- which we cannot consume as it is dangerous to the point where it has the same properties as Isopropyl alcohol.

The temperature is slowly dropping as fumes of pollution are covering the sky, covering the sun. This was the saddest day of my life, to count.

Food, a bottle of smoky water, a gun with three bullets, and a dagger, it's what I was holding. The fire camp that the survivors have shared has run out of dry wood, thus, we can only bear to suffer in the dropping temperature.

My wrinkles are starting to wound, my eyes are dropping, yet I cannot sleep- I must stay cautious to protect myself and what I have come to own.

My Asian features have become indifferent to the western men just beside me, as cautious as I am. Nobody knows what will happen next, God knows (even people doubt his existence).

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