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Aldwyn' s POV

After getting off Idril, I went to Thranduil. It was required that I was to report back to him after I had returned from Rivendell. I didn't do that once. He sent at least half the army looking for me. Why he kept a such a close watch on me, I know not.

"Ni gar tol ad." I said. {I have come back}

"Ah, good. This is for you." Thranduil said as he handed a letter to me

"Who is it from?"

"I know not who it is from, but I know it is important."

"Thank you, nín tûr." I said as I bowed and left for my room. {My Lord}

As soon as the door to my room was shut and locked, I ripped open the letter


My apologies for not giving you much of a notice, but in twenty-eight days time, I need you to come to Rivendell, and not just to converse with Arwen.

The Company of Thorin Oakenshield will be arriving the same day that you are. I would like you to join this company even if it means defying Thranduil's orders. You must join this company. The dwarves need you. More than you could ever know.
We will be heading to the Lonely Mountain.

I stopped reading for a moment. 'Erebor. So this "Thorin Oakenshield" is trying to take back the mountain? Rough chance with a dragon sleeping in there. Wings like a hurricane. Scales like steel. Almost impossible to kill him. Only a black arrow can kill him now, and I don't think that there are very many, if any, left.'

There are also things I need to discuss with you, face-to-face and not in a letter. Without you, these dwarves will get themselves killed. I know you do not like dwarves very much, but please, we need you. There are also a few things that you will discover about yourself along the way. If you do not discover these things, I fear that Middle-Earth could be overtaken by darkness. If you value your life, and the lives of those you love, you will join us.

Again, my apologies for such a short notice.

Gandalf the Grey

Why was The Grey Pilgrim asking for my help? I didn't want to go to Rivendell to be a part of the "Company of Thorin Oakenshield". But then again, Gandalf had said that he wanted to discuss some things. I was debating whether or not to go. Maybe he really did need to talk to me about important matters. But on the other hand, what could be so important that he couldn't say it in a letter? Maybe he was just trying to fool me into coming to Rivendell so I would have to join Thorin Oakenshield's company.

I couldn't deal with this right now. I decided to walk in the woods, even though it was dark and evil could lurk anywhere. I only took my daggers, for if I took my bow and arrows, someone would suspect something.

"Hiril Aldwyn. Where might you be going at this hour?" A guard asked me. {Lady Aldwyn}

"Just for a small walk. I will not stray far. I shall be back in less than an hour." I then lowered my voice to the point where only the guard could hear me, "I will be fine. I do not dare bring any other weapons aside from my daggers for it will only attract unwanted predators."

"Very well."

Once I was out of the guard's line of sight, I ran deep into the forest of Mirkwood. Tree by tree flew by me until I came to a particular one. Engraved in it was the sign of Mirkwood.

 Engraved in it was the sign of Mirkwood

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This was our tree. The tree that we would always race to. Someone's voice interrupted my train of thought.

"I'm surprised to see you here, Aldwyn, at this late hour." It was a male's voice. It could only be the prince, Legolas.

"I would say the same to you, Legolas."

"Amman garlyaa tolsí?" He asked as he jumped down from the tree. {Why have you come here}

"Do you want the short story, or the long story?" I asked.

"I've got time. Let's hear the long story."

"After I had retuned from Rivendell and reported to Thranduil, he had given me a letter." I started.

"From who?" He asked.

"The Grey Pilgrim."

"Gandalf." He whispered.

"He had invited me to join a company of dwarves to reclaim their homeland, Erebor." I continued.

"Dwarves? Really?" He asked.

"I dislike them just as much as you do, Legolas." I noted.

"How do these dwarves think that they can reclaim Erebor whilst the Dragon Smaug slumbers with the riches that they so desire? Only a Black Arrow can kill that beast, and I doubt there are any left. How are they supposed to reclaim something from a dragon that had claimed it from them years before when they could not defend themselves, so how could they defend themselves now? A dragon that ate their people? A dragon that cannot be killed?"

"I know not how Gandalf plans to proceed, but at this moment, all I know is that these dwarves might be walking straight to their doom, ending the line of Durin." I stated. "Gandalf had also said that he needed to discuss some matters with me face-to-face, and not in a letter. Let me see if I can quote what else he said. 'There are also a few things that you will discover about yourself along the way. If you do not discover these things, I fear that Middle-Earth could be overtaken by darkness. If you value your life, and the lives of those you love, you will join us.' I believe that was what he said."

"He fears that Middle-Earth could be overtaken my darkness? You better go, then." He urged.

"One thing, though. I cannot tell if what he says is true, or if he is just trying to get me to join whether I like it or not." I sighed.

"Go. Even if it is just to join the Company. When must you leave?" He asked.

"Twenty-eight days. That also means, I have twenty-eight days to decide whether or not I want to go or not." I answered.

"Then why are you getting so overworked when you have twenty-eight days?" He asked again.

"Do you ever stop asking questions?" I teased.

The elf prince just rolled his eyes.

"Now that I think about it, I want to go out and see the world, not just stay here in Mirkwood. If I go, will you promise not to tell your father about any of this {A/N Draco Malfoy has left the chat because Legolas's father won't hear about this}?" I asked.


Legolas's POV

"If I go, will you promise not to tell your father about any of this?" She asked.

"Promise." I replied.

If my father knew that she would be joining the dwarves, he would hurt her. And I couldn't stand to see Aldwyn in pain. My Heryn ned Gail. My hartha. My meleth. {My Lady of Light. My hope. My love}

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - are we liking this so far?
I just want to know and any suggestions that you have for upcoming chapters are welcome
I am going through the entire Hobbit series (by the movies, I don't have the time to read the book). The LOTR book is coming up after this one, but I already have it all planned out because that's the way I roll.

So. Yeah.

There is a method to my madness.

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