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Aldwyn's POV

I always felt that there was a part of me missing. Like I wasn't complete. When I laid there with Legolas, I felt that part of me had come back. I wasn't fully complete, but he helped. I didn't know what it was about him, but he helped.

28 days after the letter

"Do you have everything that you need?" Legolas asked as I readied Idril.

"Yes, everything."

"Your daggers? Your bow and arrows? Anguirel?" He questioned.

"You really never stop asking questions, do you?"

"I just want you to be safe." He confessed.

"I will be." I mounted Idril. "I will see you again, Legolas."

"Do you promise me that?"

"I promise just as you promised me that you would not tell your father. Neledh, Idril." {Go, Idril}

~ ~ ~

"Aldwyn. Mithrandir told me you would be arriving today." Lindir greeted me.

"Where is Lord Elrond?" I asked

"An orc pack has been spotted near our borders. He is getting ready to fight them off." Lindir answered

"I will join him."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I have my weapons with me."

"What about Idril?"

"She has traveled longer distances. If anything, she is ready for a fight." I smiled and pet her muzzle.

"Very well then."

At that moment, Elrond and his soldiers came to fight to the orc pack.

"I ride with you, my Lord Elrond."

"Let us go, then."

As we rode out, I had seen Gandalf's grey robes. A minute later, I had seen the orc pack. I pulled out my bow and arrows and started firing, each one hitting its mark. The soldiers must've noticed that I had taken my weapons out, so they did the same.

Gandalf's POV

An elvish horn sounded. A dead orc with an arrow in its chest rolled down into the passageway. Thorin picked the arrow up and inspected it.

"Elves." He snarled.

Soon, a second orc came down, but this time, with a different arrow in it. Not of elvish or orcish, but of another. Thorin noticed this too.

"Who else rides with the elves?" He asked me as he showed the arrow to me. I took it.

"I don't know who else rides with them. I am of no use to you when it comes to inspecting arrows, Thorin."

"Then why are you here?"

"Might I remind you that I saved you from trolls,"

"I cannot see where the pathway leads! Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin asked.

"We follow it, of course!" Bofur answered.

"I think that would be wise." I mumbled.

When the passage ended, it led us to Rivendell.

"The Valley of Imladris. In the common tongue, it's known by another name." I said.

"Rivendell." Bilbo answered.

"Here lies the Last Homely House, east of the sea."

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." Thorin accused.

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