Beginning of the End (1)

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This years season had been announced almost a month ago and our first competition was today. Viktor and I had been practicing non-stop on our free program. Our short programs weren't exactly easy to perform, but our free program involved a lot more connection. Of course, we had both decided that we would wait until competition to see each others free program, seeing as they were about our experiences with falling for each other. We thought it would be better to see it on the official ice rink rather than in practice. Viktor did help me with some of my more technical moves though and I referred him to my friend who had helped compose my free program last season. I will admit that considering how bad I am at choreographing programs, this was surprisingly easy. I just danced the way I feel. It was a bit easier because I had help from Minako, my ballet teacher from back when I was a little kid. She helped me put my feelings into dance moves and steps.

"Nervous?" I asked. Viktor never seemed nervous before skating but obviously there were things that only I would know. And right now he seemed a little nervous.

"A bit." He responded. I gave him a blank stare. "Okay fine. Maybe a bit more. It is my return after all." I took his hands in mine and looked him in the eyes.

"Viktor. You're the best skater out there. How many gold metals do you have at home?" I shook my head and laughed. "Viktor you were my idol. Still are. So get out there and crush it!"

"When did you get so inspirational?" He smiled. I shrugged and kissed him before pushing him out on the ice for his free skate.

He skated out to the center of the ring and got in his starting position. The music started. It was slow to start, getting faster as it got into the more passionate part of the dance. Then after an amazing triple lutz the music slowed and with his final footwork his skate was done.

I ran toward the gate where he would exit the rink and held my arms out for him. He flew from the ice and pushed me over with his weight. We fell to the floor laughing.

"That was amazing Viktor!!" I smiled at him.

"Victory kiss?" He asked.

"Only once you win...that is if I don't beat you first." I got up and pulled Viktor up with me. When he got up I noticed that he grabbed the side of the rink a bit harder than he needed to but I just brushed it off.

"Viktor and his coach, Yuri Katsuki, are waiting patiently for the scores now. And....Viktor scored 100.76 on his short program!!! Amazing!" Viktor immediately pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Viktor. Can't. Breathe." I choked out.

"Oh. Sorry." He chuckled. "Time for you to go get it! Go get silver, lover!"

"I'm getting gold!" I shouted and looked back at him as I stripped off my jacket. Looking back I guess that does seem a little sexual but at the time I had no clue. I guess it makes sense why Viktors cheeks suddenly turned bright red.

I stepped onto the ice and waited for the music to start. Even though my routine for the short program has the same sexual style to it, it's improved through leaps and bounds. Literally. I've added a few new jumps and upped the difficulty of my step sequence. As well as changing the music from representing a ruthless seductress to two lovers engaging in a dance of sexual desires.

I couldn't help picturing Viktor. I wanted to seduce him with everything I had. Before I met Viktor there was no way I would ever dance like this. The first time I'd ever done something so laced with sexuality was when I was trying to win Viktor as my coach. I won because of a pork cutlet bowl. Or so I say. 

Viktor stood at the side and even though I knew I shouldn't look at him directly I couldn't help myself. This dance was for him after all.

When I finished the quadruple lutz at the very end of my program I knew I was safe. I finished the program and exited the rink, running to Viktor who had his arms open and waiting for me. I ran into them and kissed him deeply.

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