A Lover's Short Program (6)

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After finishing my shower and letting Viktor get my costume out of his various bags, I was on my way to the competition. I wasn't worried about the whole thing, which was very strange. I suppose I was more nervous about what Viktor's doctors would say. I mean, it's not like the cancer can spread that quickly. It's only been a few months and from what I heard he had been doing at least a bit of treatment without my knowledge. I'm sure everything is moving along swiftly, but there's this weird feeling in my gut telling me I'm wrong. I don't want to be wrong. 

The ride to the venue was worry stricken and I wasn't sure I'd be able to calm down until I knew Viktor was okay. He'd get here right after warmups were finished though, if what he predicted was correct. And if it just happened to go even faster than originally thought that'd be even better. I needed to see him. I needed to know everything was going to be okay. 

Everything seemed to calm down in my head when I saw Yuri Plisetsky. I'm not entirely sure why I calmed down considering I'm pretty positive he hates me. Maybe it's because I knew at least one other person would be just as stricken if Viktor were to waltz in here and tell everyone the cancer had spread. Which I doubt he would do, but with how dramatic the man is, it was always a possibility. 

"Oh. Yuri." Somehow there was less venom in his voice than normal. 

"Yurio." I acknowledged. Maybe he was being nicer because of Viktor. It'd be quite unfortunate if I was being taken pity on by a sixteen-year-old. 

"I'm still going to beat you. Whether Viktor has cancer or not." Everyone in the skating community had found out eventually. We had to give them a reason as to why he wouldn't be participating in the rest of the season. That's one thing I don't really like about the both of us being "famous." Everything about us is just broadcast out into the universe. We weren't really able to cover our relationship but the both of us still pretend to be oblivious and it seems our fans have agreed to do the same without us even mentioning it. 

"Oh yes, I'm sure you will. Yurio." I whispered his nickname, but it appears he still heard it from the angry red that adorned the tops of his cheeks and ears. I couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped my lips. 

"Don't laugh! I'm going to crush you, you stupid pig!" He spat at me and walked off. Ah, same old same old. I chuckled to myself a little, the argument relieved me in some weird way. At least I knew one thing would always stay the same. 

I entered the rink and started to take off my jacket before I was interrupted by reporters. 

"Mr. Katsuki! Mr. Katsuki! Please tell us, how is Viktor?" They almost pushed me over with how quickly they had rushed toward me. "Where is he tonight?"

"Viktor is just fine. He's currently at a doctor's appointment getting everything checked but he'll be back here before my short program." I replied. "Please no further questions about his treatment. If he wanted people to know he would tell them." I shooed them all away and went on with my small ritual that Viktor had taught me to do before warmups. It's basically just a bunch of really random and weird affirmations but they seem to work in calming my nerves, so I'll keep doing them until I retire. 

Stepping onto the ice, even just for a warmup, was nice. Especially because every time I had ever stepped on the ice I thought of Viktor and right now I really needed to remember how Viktor used to be. The light in his eyes was still the same, but his cheekbones were a little more sunken in, his hands were always cold when they used to feel warm and sometimes, I noticed that looking in the mirror, Viktor's light seemed to dim. He wasn't able to work out which meant he had been gaining a bit more weight (not that, that mattered to me at all) than usual. I think it might be doing a bit for his self-esteem. But obviously I'll never let Viktor think he's ugly. Because he will never be ugly to me. Always beautiful, always the Russian doll. 

"Yuriiii!" I heard from the side lines. That...sounded suspiciously like Viktor. It made my heart soar. He had to be okay if he was here so early! There's no possible way he'd be here if recovery wasn't going well. I raced over to him even though I was still supposed to be warming up. 

"Viktor!" I almost threw myself over the edge of the rink I swear. "What did the doctor say?" 

"We'll talk about it later at the hotel." He nodded behind him to the group of news casters and reporters standing at the doorway trying and probably failing to hear what we were saying. 

"Okay, okay." I sighed. I was really hoping to know how Viktor was doing. 

"Don't worry Yuri. I promise I won't forget to tell you." Pft he knew he couldn't make that promise. "But go finish. Warmups are just as important as being able to eat pork cutlet bowls." Viktor declared before he pushed my shoulders. I laughed before skating off and practicing a few jumps. 

I made sure not to make what I was adding to my program too obvious. Just a few complex jumps thrown in here and there to make sure I'd be able to execute like I planned. This program was originally for Viktor anyway, but I wanted the whole audience to understand. Honestly, after this I'm not sure our fans are going to be able to respect our relationship obliviousness. Which I don't mind. It's about time we recognized it in public. 


I stepped out onto the cold ice and looked at Viktor before taking my stance. The music started and so did I. Moving in and out, to and from, flowing with the music and trying my best to keep my motions fluid. It seemed to be working out well. I couldn't really hear much from the audience, too in my head. But every second of that program I could only think of Viktor. He was going to be just fine. Nothing could ever change the way I felt about him. Not him not being able to skate, not having to take care of him for the rest of our lives, not even death could scare me away. Viktor was stuck with me. Whether he liked it or not. 

I spun quickly. Would've been dizzy if I hadn't focused on the dazzling smile that adorned Viktor's face. Spotting was very important, but ever since I had met Viktor, he was always my spot. Wherever he was in the crowds or on the sidelines I knew I'd find him. As I moved towards the edge of the rink, I shot out my hand and turned quickly, showering the people watching in flakes of ice. I pointed to Viktor as I moved into my last jump of the night. A triple flip. Not too difficult, but just enough to bring up my overall score. Besides, there was no way this choreography would lose. It was created with my love in mind and there was no doubt in my head that I would move on. 

To the Grand Prix Final. And to show the world that I can be the best with Viktor's love. 

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