I Feel Free (2)

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When I woke up the next morning, I was hoping to find Viktor still in bed, but he was up and making breakfast for the two of us. I got up and walked to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his shoulder.

"Good morning, Yuri!" He said excitedly while he moved around the eggs in the pan.

"Morning." I sighed and leaned a bit more of my weigh onto him.

"Still tired?" He asked sweetly. I nodded. "Go take cold shower. Breakfast will be done." I nodded again and wandered into the bathroom before stripping off my clothing and getting in.

The water was hot and even though I knew it wouldn't help me wake up I didn't have the heart to turn it cold. A few minutes later I heard the door crack open.

"Yuri. Breakfast." Viktor said before I heard the door close. Alright good I just needed to finish washing my hair. Easy enough.

Or at least that's what I thought before I heard the curtain to the shower opening.

"What the hell?" I whirled around faster than I usually do on the ice but relaxed when I saw it was just Viktor. Wait. WAIT. "Viktor!?"

"We used to bathe together all the time back home." He frowned. I guess he did have a point. It wasn't anything either of us hadn't seen. I just wasn't entirely prepared. "Let me." He said and reached for the shampoo.

I was a little skeptical of what was happening, but the moment Viktors hands entered my hair...well the way he worked the shampoo in, it was bliss. I had never felt so comfortable. I was even able to close my eyes. I don't even know how to describe how I'm feeling. The only way I can think to say is that I'm so in love.

Viktor moved me into the stream of water and continued running his fingers through my hair. There was nothing sexual about this. Only pure love. It reminded me of agape. Viktor was like a God and me...well, I was a regular man. This was no unconditional love it was something even further than that. Something so unfathomable, something so...so...there are no words for it. I cannot describe it in the human language or any language for that matter. In that way I couldn't say it was agape. Because even agape can't encompass everything I feel for the man running his fingers through my hair.

"Let's go eat some breakfast, yeah?" He kissed the top of my head and I turned around to nod at him.


When we arrived at the venue, we noticed there were a lot more people here this time. I assume it was because everyone wanted to see Viktors free program. The man was a beautiful dancer, so it makes sense. It's too bad he's not going first. I really want to see the free program he made for me. 

"You're first Yuri. Don't get too nervous." He chuckled at me.

"I won't." I pulled him in by his jacket. "After all, I am showing all my love for you." When we pulled back, we almost burst into laughter, but we were able to reel it in.

"First up is Yuri Katsuki, skating to yet another lovely free program. But this time instead of Viktor Nikiforov, he has choreographed his program by himself. It's amazing to see just how far this skater has come!"

"You've got this Yuri." He held out his Makkachin tissue box for me. I quickly blew my nose and crumbled the paper. Viktor held his hand out to take it but just like I did last year I dropped it a bit further from the wall, making him bend to get it. I poked that one tiny balding spot on his head and skated away. When I looked down, there were a few strands of his hair on my finger. All the possibilities ran through my head, but I paused them the moment my music started.

"Yuri Katsuki's theme for this season is Heads which at first glance doesn't make a lot of sense but apparently he and Viktor have, together, gone for two sides to the same coin approach. I'm not sure how they are going to make that happen without one performance seeming like half of a whole, but I guess we'll see!"

It didn't matter to me that the announcer didn't understand our concept. It was something few could truly understand. Would my performance seem like half of a whole? Maybe. But I was okay with that because without Viktor I am just half of a whole. Not in the same way some people might take it though. I'm my own person, with or without Viktor. But, let's be honest, we all know I'd prefer it to be with Viktor. 

I danced around the ice, gouging it, scraping it, leaving my mark. From a spread eagle to a triple axel to a quadruple salchow. Everything I performed was my retelling of all the things I've felt through this past year. The end was coming closer, and I knew that I'd need to save the harder things for the Grand Prix Final so instead of doing a quadruple flip I had it changed to a triple Lutz. One of my new favorites. And a jump I've been landing consistently these past few months.

As my skates stopped moving, I found myself on the verge of tears. I hadn't noticed it before because I was so focused on dancing the way I wanted and conveying everything to Viktor.  

When I turned towards the exit of the rink, I saw Viktor there waiting for me like he usually does. His arms were wide open and ready for a big hug.

I ran to him. Well actually I suppose I skated. Still, I went fast. I made sure not to tackle him but I'm not sure why. Something in the back of my mind was telling me not to.

"Yuri that was amazing. I-...I'm so happy." When I pulled away from Viktor he was crying. I reached my hand up and cupped his cheek, wiping the tears away with my thumb.

"Did you hear me?" I asked, looking at him with the softest expression I could manage.

"I did. I love you." Viktor pulled me in for a kiss before we broke away and waited for my score.

"We have the scores." Viktor and I waited with bated breath. "Yuri Katsuki has moved into first place with a score of 172.97! His total score for the event is 272.64! Amazing!" I swear I almost broke down. Viktor hugged me with all he had in him and even though I couldn't breathe for a solid minute, I was okay with it because I was just as happy as he was.

However, the moment was somewhat short lived because we had to get Viktor ready for his skate. He stripped off his jacket and I gave him a tissue to dry his eyes and blow his nose.

"Go blow them away, love." I had never thought I'd be the type of person to use pet-names, but love seemed to fit. A small dusting of pink fell over Viktors cheeks before he blew me a kiss and skated towards the center of the rink.

The moment the music started I could already tell I was going to cry. It was gorgeous. The way the first note blended to the second...it was chilling. When Viktor started skating, I couldn't help but sit there mesmerized. I had seen him perform many times over the years but knowing the performance was dedicated to our love...well that made his skating that much sweeter.

He was approaching his first jump, according to the announcer. A triple flip. Beautiful execution. The way Viktor flowed was so effortless and aesthetically pleasing to watch. He was the embodiment of what every skater wishes they were. Including myself. Which is why I would be happy taking silver today.

Or at least I thought I'd be getting silver.

Viktor leapt for his quadruple flip but when he landed, he fell. Everyone waited a second. He didn't get up.

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