The Golden Free Program (7)

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"Viktor, what's your dream? Did you have any besides skating?" I asked while leaning against the balcony railing. 

"Not really. Although, I guess now that I am unable, my dream is to skate with you again." My heart melted a bit. Even in a wheelchair he's still thinking about skating. Skating with me. That was my Viktor alright. 

I flashed him a bright smile before looking back up at the moon. The stars looked gorgeous, but it was a little difficult to see everything with so many buildings. Hopefully when we get to our final destination (The Grand Prix Final but this time Denmark addition) we'll be able to look out at the stars and see our future, instead of a bunch of tall bricks with windows. 

"Yuri, do you think you'll make it to Denmark?" Viktor asked. 

"Of course, I do." I said confidently. "I have you by my side."

"You have gotten confidence since I met you." Viktor smirked at me. The look almost begged for praise. 

"Yeah, well, I guess you could say you're rubbing off on me." I rolled my eyes but let out a small chuckle. It was strange that Viktor would ask a question like that. It almost made me think I didn't do well today, but I know I did. One of the top scoring short programs. Even think I beat last years record. Only barely though. In Denmark I'll smash my record to pieces. For Viktor. 

"I'm proud of you Yuri." Viktor said. He looked at me with such adoration in his eyes I couldn't imagine a life that went differently. I wouldn't want to. He was everything and nothing. The world and the universe. So many different things that there was no words for it. 

"I'm proud of you too Viktor." I smiled and held his gaze before a breeze picked up and blew his hair into his face. I moved swiftly, crouching a bit to wipe the hair from his face and give him a quick kiss on the cheek before wheeling him back into the room. 

"Go get ready. I'll style your hair, but you must wash properly." Viktor's hand shot into the air, one finger pointed upwards. I laughed, shook my head and grabbed a towel before heading to the bathroom. He was just as dramatic as ever. 


Just as he said he would, Viktor did my hair after I got out of the shower. I put on my costume and the two of us made our way downstairs in the elevator. It was weirdly different. Before, whenever we were in an elevator together, Viktor would push his body up against mine. Almost like a no arm hug. It was sweet and comfortable. Now the closest thing we would get to that would be me sitting on his lap which was something I was absolutely not confident enough for. 

It took a bit to hail a cab when we got onto the street, but once we did, I hurried to pack Viktors wheelchair into the trunk and rushed to the other side of the backseat. Viktor must've already told the driver where we needed to go because the moment my seatbelt clicked into place we were moving in the direction of the rink.  

A few familiar faces were here besides Yuri Plisetsky. There was Mickey, lucky enough to be competing in his own country, Otabek Altin, Phichit and then a few young skaters I didn't recognize. I am glad that Otabek was here with Yurio. They seemed to have gotten really close at last year's Grand Prix and rumors have said that the two have only gotten closer. 

Who knows, maybe Otabek will finally reach his inspiration limit and become Yurio coach. 

I'm kidding. Kind of. 

In warmups I could tell that the competition this year would be difficult. Free programs continued to become higher and higher in difficulty. I guess new skaters mean newer standards. Some of the skaters I didn't recognize could easily be at the same level as Yurio if they just had the right coach and it was easy to tell. I'd really have to up my game for this free program if I was going to win. 

I think the best I'd be able to do was add in another quad, which would mean three in the second half of my program. Which also meant absolute exhaustion by the end. But I know I've got the stamina. I made sure to practice it with the highest level of difficulty possible when I was back at home to make sure I'd be able to finish as strong as possible at the end, but there are always other factors that come into play when adding in different jumps and spins. 

"Alright Yuri, remember to keep your headphones in and don't focus on the TV's stationed in the waiting area. You're going last so you have to keep your head on straight." Viktor lectured, making it a point to stay as warm as possible. 

"Yes, yes, I know. Thanks coach." I tried to hold the eyeroll back, but I just couldn't. I had been performing on the ice for years, I knew what I had to do. 

"Yuri. I know you know, but you were never able to put this into practice until last year when I enforced it. Don't get all sassy with me." Viktor pointed out. He made a good point...

"I'm sorry...forgive me?" He nodded and I leaned down to give him a quick kiss before shoving my headphones into my ears. 

I continued to stretch against walls and on the floor until it was Yuri Plisetsky's turn. Viktor nudged me and we moved towards the edge of the rink. I removed my jacket and headphones roughly halfway through Yurio's free program. 

"Alright. You've done everything you can to prepare for this. I know you can do it. Go get me a gold medal." I'm not sure why but hearing him say that when he was supposed to be winning gold metals with me was just plain heartbreaking. Either way, it's my duty to get him a gold metal that he can kiss, so I will do my very best here. 

I kissed Viktor's hands and moved towards the wall of rink. Yuri Plisetsky was making his way off the ice. He nodded to me and Viktor and went to the kiss and cry. I moved onto the ice while everyone waited for Yurio's score, trying my hardest not to listen. 

"You can do this Yuri!" Some positive encouragement from the other competitors was nice and not as unwelcome as I thought it would be, although I still hate some of the pitiful looks I've been getting. Thankfully, Yakov hadn't made any comments or even talked to Viktor. If he had done the same as some of the other coaches and competitors I think I would've lost it. 

I nodded towards Mickey, thankful that he was being so kind and skated out and into the middle of the floor. 

The music started and from that moment on I had this feeling in my soul that this would be amazing. Maybe the best performance of this free program I had ever done. A quadruple salchow here, a triple lutz there. It all flowed together in my head so perfectly. I'm not sure why I was so relaxed. I think it was because I felt like Viktor was getting better. Like I said before he wouldn't have been here so quickly if he was getting worse. I'm pretty sure at the hospital they had said that if the cancer moved anymore, they'd have to immediately have to move into intensive chemotherapy. So, there's no way Viktor would've been able to get here so quickly. 

The ending of my performance was coming in fast. With a final quadruple flip, it was time for me to end my program with a short step sequence. Just like last year I ended it with my hands pointed towards Viktor, my one and only muse. 

Viktor wheeled himself towards me as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, but he was seriously trying. 

"Yuri! That was amazing!" I'm sure if he could tackle me right now, he would. I bent down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I wheeled him to the kiss and cry and he sat in his wheelchair right next to the bench with me. 

"And Yuri Katsuki scores an amazing 187.45! His total score after the free program is 293.05! Yuri Katsuki has won his first ever gold metal in the Grand Prix Series!" The announcer said. I couldn't believe it. But when the realization finally set in I turned to Viktor, who had the biggest smile on his face. 

I was glad I could still make him happy. 

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