Two Lovers (5)

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After wining second at the cup of America I was on my way to Italy. Viktor was proud of my performance and happy that I didn't deviate from the jumps we had decided to put in.

The plane ride to Italy was nice. I got a bit of rest in which was appreciated but for most of the ride I was worrying about Viktor. He told me more than a few times that I needed to stop being such a worry wort but I couldn't really help it. Worrying and freaking out are what I'm best at after all. There was still a few hours left to the flight so I turned to Viktor.

"Hey, so, you never told me. How long did you know before you told me?" I asked. Honestly the answer scared me but I needed to know where everything was at.

"A few months..." He trailed off. I swear my eyes almost flew out of my head. Trying to keep calm was definitely a struggle but I didn't want to yell at Viktor because I knew that if I was in his position I wouldn't have told me either...for this exact reason.


"Okay?" He asked somewhat surprised. I think he was expecting me to freak out. I was too if I was being honest.

"I'm not going to freak out. I wouldn't have told me either. I know I can be a bit of a...well I'm not sure how to put it nicely. But anyway I probably would've stopped you from performing if I had known so I get it." A look of relief crossed over Viktors face. "When we arrive you've got a doctors appointment, right?" I asked. Viktor nodded. "Want me to go with you?"

"No. It would cut it too close for your short program. No need to risk it. I'll make it in time though." He patted my head. "No need to worry."

"I'm not worried...I've done good while you weren't there before..." Well kind of. Not really.

"I'll still be there. I just won't be able to help you warm up." I nodded. That was fine. I didn't need him to help me warm up. But I did at least need him to be there while I performed. It wasn't because I thought Viktor being there would make me better or anything like that. It's more like he's my rock and the thing that keeps me steady when I know I'm bound to fall face first into a pit of spiraling anxiety. Don't worry you can seriously please laugh.

"Works for me." I shrugged and laid my head on his shoulder. Viktor's head found it's way on top of mine and before we knew it we were falling asleep.


"10 minutes to landing. Please buckle your seatbelts." I woke up and rubbed my eyes before softly nudging Viktor. He didn't wake up and continued sleeping even after I tried multiple times to wake him. I ended up buckling both of our seatbelts. I'm not entirely sure how, but apparently the click of metal on metal was enough to wake him up.

"Almost there?" He asked groggily.

"Yeah. We're landing in 10." Our carry-on bags were over in my seat because Viktor wanted to sit together and we figured if we weren't going to use my seat then it'd be best to use it for our luggage. I had only brought one bag and a carry on while I'm pretty sure Viktor brought his whole costume closet. I'm not sure what possessed the man to pack so much but I'm more than positive all the airplane attendants that had to move our stuff from conveyor belt to conveyor belt weren't happy with us. "Here." I handed Viktor a stick of gum from the pack I brought. Apparently before he had me around he didn't know that gum would help your ears when landing and taking off so he had just dealt with it.

"Thanks." He popped the peppermint flavored gum into his mouth and started chewing. I unwrapped mine and also started to chew. The flavor was nice but spearmint is my ultimate favorite gum flavor. I just chose peppermint because I knew Viktor liked it.

The plane started it's descent downwards. I held onto the arm rest tightly, flying had never been my thing. The ending was by far the worst part other than turbulence. Viktor said he had never experienced that much turbulence on his flight and I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure if he's serious or just trying to annoy me. If it was the second option it definitely worked.

"It is fine. Stop holding on so tight. Not like we're plummeting to our deaths." Viktor tried to reassure.

"Yeah...thanks." I laughed nervously. Sometimes I really did wonder if Viktor had gotten too many concussions while ice skating. I held onto the arm rest even tighter than before with images of my imminent death flying across my vision. Viktor noticed and grabbed my hand tightly. I assume it was to help calm me down; which it did so I'm thankful, at least for that. 

After we got off the plane I grabbed our luggage and waited for Viktor to get down to my level on that weird, long golf cart thing. It gave me enough time to put all of our luggage into a taxi. I was going to be going to our hotel, dropping off our things, and then getting ready. Viktor would be going to our hotel, watch me try to carry everything and then getting ready for his appointment. 

Once we got inside our room I put all of our bags against the wall and stripped off my coat, threw off my shoes and ditched my shirt. I figured Viktor wouldn't mind and I needed to take a shower before my performance anyway. 

"You should do that more often, Yuri." Viktor winked, trying and failed to get from his wheelchair into bed. 

"Stop that! Jeez you're going to give me a heart attack. Let me help." I rushed over to help Viktor, picking him up and placing him onto the bed. I didn't realize how soon that heart attack would come until I felt his hand on my chest. Sneaky bastard also managed to throw an arm around the back of my neck so as I was setting him down he pulled me closer. 

"Yuri, I'm just fine." He kissed me sweetly. "See?" I rolled my eyes but kissed him again before straightening up and walking towards the bathroom with all of my things. 

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