Unexpected Visit

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Yeah, he's tolerable. I hear a small knock at the door. "I wonder who that is," I mumble. There are two possibilities. It's my landlord, coming to collect the rent or some random person at my door for no apparent reason. Either way, I highly doubt either will end well. I get up and walk over to the door. I sigh and open it. There stand Zoldyck. "Hey G-" I cut him off. "No," I shut the door. Not that tolerable. I walk into the kitchen hoping he would go away. But, that thick-skulled idiot stayed, continuing to knock. I walk to the door and open it. "What do you want?" I ask. "Can I stay the night?" He ask, I raise an eyebrow. "No," I say. He rubs the back of his neck. "Come on, I've already told my parents," He says. "Ok? Tell them I cancelled," I say. "Please?" He pleads, giving me puppy dogs eyes. "N-" I start. He looks really sad. He walks away slow, although I know he's faking, however, I give in. "Fine get your ass in here," I say. He turns around and dashes in. He's fast, not as fast as me, but he's fast, I'll give him that. "Alright, you do what you want, I'm going to my room," I say, turning to the direction of my bedroom. I walk over and hear footsteps behind me. "Of course," I mumble. I open the door to my rather small room and walk in. I sit on my bed and stare at Killua. "So," He says. I turn away, I don't feel like talking to the idiot who guilt tripped me into letting him inside. "What did I do?" He asks it sounded so muffled I almost couldn't tell what he was saying. "Nothing, I just don't like you."

I hear a small scoff from Killua he must be mad. Sucks to be him I guess. "Why not?" He asks. "I dunno, your voice is annoying," I say. "Oh.." He says. Shit, I actually hurt him. I kinda forgot he was a human for a sec. Everyone's feeling have kinda been irrelevant since I lost my will to make friends. "Sorry Zoldyck," I say. He turn away. I look at his fluffy white hair. "Come on, Zoldyck. I apologized, what more do you want?" I ask. He turns around and smiles, I realize I just made a big mistake. "Nothing stupid! Like cooking or shit," I say. "Good thing it's not that~!" He says. 'That's concerning.' He walks over to me and sticks his arms out. I lift my head to make eye contact with the idiot. I raise and eyebrow. "Hug me!" He says. I shake my head. "No way," I say. "Then I'll be mad at you forever~! I know you don't want that! I'll ignore you and-" I cut him off. "That sounds like more of a paradise. Please do," I say. Killua stood ther frozen. "Hey!" He shouts. "Just give me a hug!" He says. "Or what?" I ask. "Well I'll- I'll-" He looks away, seemingly thinking of a reply. "I'll uh, annoy you!" He says. "You already do that by talking," I say. "That's rude," He says. "Well, it wasn't exactly meant to be a compliment," I say. Killua looks at me and sticks his tongue out. I walk over to him and place a finger on his tongue. By reflex, he puts it back in his mouth. "How did you do that?" He asks. "Automatic reflex," I say. He sticks out his tongue and taps it. "How come it isn't working for me?!" He asks. "It's like being tickled, it only works when someone else does it," He says. Killua looks down. "Oh."

I walk back to my bed. "Hey!" He shouts. "Hm?" I hum in response. "I haven't gotten my hug yet?" He says. "Ok? Not my problem," I say. "Uh!" He says, dropping his jaw. "Is your problem! You're supposed to be giving me the hug!" He shouts. "Oh damn, don't need to bother the whole neighborhood with your voice," I say. I stand up and place my arms around his back and hug him. He's warm, like a teddy bear. I let go. "There," I say. He smiles. "Now I can brag I got you to hug me!" He says. "Mhm," I hum, sitting down again. Standing while talking is overrated when there's something you can sit on nearby. Not that I was talking much anyways. But, I still stan my statement. He looks around and explores the house a bit. I lay and cover my face with my arm. "Just a day, Gon, just a day," I say. I turn to the wall and close my eyes, they become heavier.

"Wake up! We haven't had dinner!" He says. "Fuck! What the hell, just go through the fridge! I'm not hungry," I respond, laying back down. I get shook by Killua. "Nu-uh! Come eat!" Killua nags. "N. O." I say. He sighs. "Please?" I shake my head. I hear footsteps leaving. I sit up, I for some reason feel bad for Killua. Pity is normally not among my emotions but, I guess it's intruding. I stand up and walk to the kitchen. "You're here!" He says, I nod. "Well, yeah. I pity you so," Killua rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah," He says. "And I'm the moody one," I mumble. Killua hands me a sandwich he made. "Woah, never said I was eating," I say, looking at Killua. "Come on, take it," I look at it and grab it. "Fine, only if it'll shut you up," I say, he nods. I take a bite, the breads hard. I reattempt and the opposite end, hoping it would be softer but, no. "Wh-What year is this bread from!?" Killua laughs. "Pfft- What-?" He says, I look over to him. "This bread is hard," I say, tossing the sandwich. "Where the hell did you even find that bread?" I ask. "At the back of the cabinet," Killua replies. "KILLUA!" I shout, he flinches. "THERE'S BREAD RIGHT THERE, THAT BREAD HAS BEEN BACK THERE FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG!" I shout. "Sorry, I shouldn't yell. But, you're an idiot," I say. "I know," He replies. I grab a candy bar and head to my room, haven't had one in a while. "You can't just eat that," He says, I take a bite. "Yes I can," I reply, my words muffled from chewing. Killua sighs and follows me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Following you," He says. "Wow thanks, Mister Obvious," I say, then taking another bite. "You're welcome, Mister Grumpy," He mutters under his breath loud enough for me to hear. "Don't call me that," I say, he looks surprised. "O-kay," He says, stretching out the 'O'. God he can be so fucking annoying sometimes.

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