Alls Fair When it Comes to Gon

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Killua POV

Since yesterday, Mr. Wing added a special seat next to Gon's since I visited him after school. Gon looks clearly angry about it but, all's fair when it comes to him. During the class I try to talk to Gon, but stays silent. Seems like he's just not in the mood after I.. After I kissed him. But to be fair, he.. he didn't pull away! And it was only to help him, so. "Gon," I whisper to him and he looks at me. "Killua, what if Kenji took a photo? What if he posts that image? Your love life will be ruined for good," Gon whispers back. I stare at him and lightly smile. "I don't care, it was for you," I respond. Gon turns away from me to the point where I can no longer see his face.

After the class period, Gon was still looking away from me for whatever reason he had and we went to Ms. Bisky's class. I go sit at the desk next to Gon and smile at him in return he gives a half hearted smile back. We turn to the teacher and we or, at least I listen very closely. She makes no jokes when it comes to her class time. She is talking about the states yada, yada, yada. Still more review stuff. Basically all the stuff you should know in Junior year. I take a look over at Gon and see he's dozing off. I shake him awake. I don't want him to get in trouble. "Let go, I'm awake now," Gon says to me, I don't argue and loosen my grip on him. "Sorry, I just... I didn't want you to get in trouble," I respond to him. Gon simply rolls his eyes in response.

"Since SOMEONE absolutely LOVES talking and making conversation, how about you make that mouth USEFUL and answer this question, Killua," Ms. Bisky says. "Why do I have to p- oh," I say in response to her. I walk up to the board and stare. "Killua, why did the war of 1812 break out?" Ms. Bisky asked. I look around and say, "I don't know?" Ms. Bisky facepalms. "Killua, the War of 1812 was caused by British restrictions on U.S. trade and America's desire to expand its territory! You should've learned that in 10th grade! So help me if I catch you distracting Gon again I'm gonna send you to detention hall for the rest of the class period!" Ms. Bisky scolds me. I nod and walk back over to my seat to sit next to Gon. I look at him and smile he scoffs and looks away. Yikes, he's not happy. I probably embarrassed him.


I hold gon's hand as we walk in, I knew Retz would already be in there. But, I'm not interested anymore. When she sees me she runs over and clings onto me, causing me to let go of his hand. "Baby!" Retz yells. I look down at her and push her off of me. "I'm not your 'baby'," I say to her. She scoffs then has a sly as smirk on her face. She gets closer and close and all of a sudden, her lips are locked on mine! I see Gon out of the corner out of my eye running away. I feel her tongue on my lips begging for an entrance. I finally push her off and run up to the roof as I yell that I hate her. Gon's sitting on the floor. I feel so bad. I fall down and cling onto him. "I'm so sorry she made me..!" I say. Gon surprisingly accepts the hug and puts his arms around me. "I know I was just uncomfortable seeing that," Gon responds. "I understand," I respond to him, letting go. I look down at him and smile. "Uh," Gon starts. "You can get off my lap now," Gon finishes. I realize that and immediately get off of him. "Gon," I say. "Wanna eat lunch with me and my friends?" Gon blinks. "Are you gonna make me anyway if I say no?" Gon asks, admitting my answer, I shake my head, Gon sighs. "Figured so, fine," Gon responds to me. I smile very happily. We spend the rest of the class time talking on the roof.

We walk through the lunch line and both get plates. Luckily at the table there's two seats free for me and Gon. "Ready?" I ask to which Gon responds with a nod. We walk over and sit next to each other, Gon's at the end sitting across from Zushi and I'm sitting across from Kurapika. As soon as Gon sits down his plate everyone stares at him. Gon looks into his lap and nudges me to say something. "Uhm, everyone this may be weird but me and Gon are friends! Can you please be welcoming to him?" Everyone nods. "Welcome to the table, Gon!" Alluka says, Gon looks at her and gives her a small smile in return. "Yeah! I'm Leorio!" Leorio says, reaching his hand over to shake Gons, Gon slowly moved his hand to shake his. I realize something and look over to Gon. "Hey! Why are you being so nice to them!? You weren't nearly as nice to me!" I say to him to which he chuckles. His laugh is actually pretty cute. "Because they're not persistent idiots who keep nagging me every second of every day and come over and force me into letting you stay the night," Gon says, practically outing me to then entire table, "And then has the actual NERVE to ki-," I cover his mouth. "Haha... that's enough," I say, Kurapika raises an eyebrow. "No, no. I'm very interested in what Gon was going to say. It seemed important," Kurapika says to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2021 ⏰

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