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Chapter 5: Wake Up Fari.

I'm(♂)- – -not me. I'm(♀) Fari,a 10 years old.

I sat down on the spot and groaned while holding my head.

"Aaaaaah!. . . No way did I actually think I would reincarnate."

"Ufufu, looks like you remembered it ♪"

I(♀) turned towards that voice. That voice sounds familiar.(TN: From here out, She uses 私 or the female p.r.o.noun(♀). So just keep that in mind.)

Just behind me was that girl. The girl with the silver hair.

"G.o.d!? For real!? I remember my previous life!? Or wait, did you not even listen to my request?!"

I said that all in one breath.

However G.o.d was quick to try and calm me down.

"There there, Yuki, calm down."

"Yuki!? Don't you think your being over familiarly?"

"No, Yuki. You see from my perspective, I've been watching Yuki for a decade now. I've seen everything, from your baby mishaps, to peeing yourself, at least 6 times. So I am over familiar with you."

"Uwwaaaa!. . . Stoppp! That's embarra.s.sing!"

I couldn't help but cover my bright red face with my hands.

"Uuu. Oh that's right! So G.o.d! Why have I been reborn with everything being completely different from my request! Please explain that."

I said that to her while still hiding my face.

However G.o.d just shifted her eyes.

"Now now Yuki. First off, call me by my name, okay?"

"I don't know your name."

"In the world called "Phantasm" people call me Kamille. So, come on, call me that. Come on, can Fari-chan say that with her cute little mouth?"

"Well I'll shorten it to Kami-sama."

"Y-Your stubborn aren't you?"

Kami-sama frowned at me. No I can't be worrying about that right now.

"Kami-sama. Why did you reincarnate me- – -as a girl? Weren't you going to not change anything?"

I am now Fari von D'Azzel. I am the second daughter of the D'Azzel family. The second girl.

It's completely different than my previous life.

In my previous life I was a male college student with a normal family, right?

So why am I a n.o.ble's daughter?

"I was following Yuki's request though, right?"

Kami-sama said it like it was nothing. She simply cutely tilted her head.

But how is that true?

"Didn't I say reincarnate without change?"

"Yeah, You know I simply transferred your numerical value to this new world, you still have to be born though. So the parameters of being born a certain gender were simply based on the chances of this new world, and because this world has a male to female ratio of 1:20, Yukii was extremely likely to end up being female."(TN:So she just transferred the numerical value of the soul, not the body? And then the soul was just thrown into the pool of possible births. Right?)

"Guu. . ."

I see. I also knew that fact from my experience over these past 10 years.

The world of Phantasm has a proportion of women that is overwhelmingly high. Only 1 out of 20 people are born male.

The probability of being born a guy is less than 5%. So of course I would have been born a girl.

"But Kami-sama! If I said without change, shouldn't you have made me a man? Regardless of s.e.x chance, and what not, couldn't you have made an adjustment?"

"Eh? But Yuki said don't change anything at all~♪"

She simply said that with a smile.

It looks like maybe she knew all along. Thats wicked. . .

Did this all in one day ? . I did it. And we got a cute chapter, the plot is starting to happen! I'll be honest, the reason I finished it in one day was because I was having fun with the story, I was genuinely just engaged in the story.

Next chapter in a day or two. Already working on it. I'm just having fun translating it so it shouldn't be too long.

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LN_They Said My Status Stays The Same Even Though I Reinc. In Another World!? GLWhere stories live. Discover now