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I sit here and struggle in my chair, I feel tears beginning to form on my brown eyes and I sigh.
"Why am I even here?" I ask myself. "I know Chucky talked about me being the next killer in the family but honestly I wouldn't want to hurt anyone although I've had homicidal thoughts before I never knew my fucked up mentality brought me to this." I whisper to myself. I begin to regret my thoughts until all the sudden I was interrupted by the tall man, he began to communicate to me in my head speaking a language I don't know of. It sounded like German? But I'm not sure. The tall man removes the tape he latched on to my lips. As I began to listen to him I shout "WHAT THE FUCK?! TAKE ME OUT OF HERE!" I somehow understood his strange language; a smile appeared on his face, although he doesn't have any eyes and his face is just straight up white. I know it's creepy as hell.
  "I am Slendermen and I will be your boss and you will obey me and I will train you and you will be ours." Slendermen spoke with much authority. So now the motherfucker has the audacity to speak English now? I couldn't help but laugh.
"PARKER!" Slendermen shouted making me instantly bow my head in submission. I can sense he was pleased with that I did.
  "Child. soon you will be trained. You will go insane for this is the beginning and you will need to let off steam." He said, I sighed.
  "This is what Chucky was talking about then." I say to myself in frustration, I begin to laugh for I was angry this is happening to me. Out of all people in the world I was the one these killers wanted?! I begin to laugh more but this time my laugh was starting to become uncontrollable.
"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" I shouted at Slendermen, he said nothing and took off the chains off of me then immediately vanished. Leaving me in a dark room with no light. My laugh slowly begins to become louder, I grab my hair in frustration wanting to pull it out. I don't feel like Parker anymore but rather... different. I feel thirsty for blood and I lick my lips. I need it, I need it. I was interrupted by a knock on the door but before I could answer. Chucky appeared.
  "You took too long to answer. But anyways seeing you go crazy was so hot honestly. Freddy is lucky she gets to mess around with you every night. I'm starting to like you even more Parker. Anyways let's change that name of yours into something better." Chucky smirked, I began to feel normal and the laughing died down. I look at her in shock and I think to myself.
  What the hell happened to me?!
  Chucky sighs. "Alright hot stuff, we're going to change your identity and all that other crap. We'll be going back to your house and if there is anyone there I'll just have to kill them." She says. instinctively I immediately reply "HEY CAN I KILL THEM TOO?!" I shout at her with excitement. Chuckly smiles creepily and nods her head no. I bow my head into disappointment.. something is wrong with me and I need help.
Chucky grabs my hand and runs to a car. To be honest the car looks pretty badass, I never knew Slendercreep owned cool cars like this unless he stole them. Chucky opens the door for me which is pretty rare, most of the time she is rude and has a bad temper but oddly she is being so kind to me. She gets in the car driving super fast. I feel like i'm going to vomit, this girl is going 100 MPH and it's scaring me but it's clear Chucky doesn't care. I mean why would she? She is a killer and a cute looking doll. She's plastic I think so if we even got into a car crash she would have a better chance at surviving than me.
  "We're here, get out." She says sternly. I smile at her, I then notice Zoey and Adam in my house. I begin to panic remembering the words of Chucky and how she will kill off any intruders.
  "Gosh, none of these idiots take a lesson. And why the hell are they snooping in your house anyways? Looks like I'll need to kill them off." She says, annoyance filling her voice. It looks like Chucky didn't want to kill but rather spare some people, I could tell by the facial expressions she showed.
Chucky takes out her dagger then opens the door. I stay behind for I don't want to be involved nor do I want my friends to think about me betraying them so it's best if i stood behind them. But my curiosity got the best of me so I follow after her. Zoey sees me while Chucky switched to her doll form. I wink at Chucky and she winks back. I flinched because it was creepy.
  "Hey Parker. It's been awhile!" Adam whines whilst giving me a huge hug.
  "I'm sorry for your loss. It's been on the news that your mother has died. She was found at Crystal lake but I wonder why she would be there?" Adam asked with fear.  "She might've been lured in there." Zoey buts in.
  I sigh "What are you two doing here?" I ask in annoyance hoping they didn't go through my search history on my computer.
  "You haven't been talking to us for days. So we broke into your house and decided to chill. Then lucky us you finally appeared!" Adam shouted with joy, I give off a smile for I love my two friends but that smile turns upside down knowing Chucky must finish her work. I have to get these two out of here somehow.
  "You guys have to leave. You can't be here." I say to my friends nervously, they both raise a brow at me in confusion.
  "OH COME ON! YOU HAD US ALL WORRED AND NOW YOU WANNA KICK US OUT?!" Zoey shouts with anger. While Zoey was shouting at me in anger Adam interrupts and says "Guys I saw a huge doll like figure move around and she pretended to slit her throat while looking at me and Zoey-" Before Adam could finish his sentence a loud gurgle was made known to my ears as I see Zoey throat was slit by the killer herself, Chucky. Before Adam could scream Chucky quickly removed the knife from Zoeys throat and stabbed Adam right in the neck, killing him instantly.
My friends bodies lay on the ground but I don't cry for them but rather laugh.
"Gosh. Parker, you're so hot." Chucky whispers seductively, I look at her and she blushes bright red like a tomato.
"Anyways let's get your clothes and all that other crap. I'm going to raid this house then burn it down. Hopefully your neighbors are stupid enough to check this place out so I can get rid of them so no cops would be called. Even if the cops were called Slendermen would cause them to hallucinate and kill one another." Chucky grabs a huge suitcase and fills it up with clothes, shoes, food and other necessities. She takes the suitcase to the car. I get my huge military grade back pack and fill it with my clothes and shoes, I grab my blanket my mother gave me when I was little and a collectible hello kitty knife my mother purchased for me. I don't know why she brought it but hey i'm not complaining. After all I'm not Parker anymore I'm new. Surprisingly
Chucky didn't burn the house down like she said she would. I shrug it off then I head to the car where Chucky is in, I plop my butt pretty roughly on the seat. Before I could even say anything Chucky speeds off which causes me to vomit in the car.
We arrive at Slendermens place "You're going to clean the vomit. I'm pissed you did that! You think that car is cheap?!" Chucky yells angrily. I smile and nod my head no, she signs in frustration.
"Boss will take care of the house we just raided. For now you'll be living with US."
I shiver at Chucky's tone when she said "US" I didn't like that feeling but I shrug it off.
"I'll be introducing you to the other killers. They are all female for Boss always wanted adopted daughters, so in his eyes you're his adopted daughter although we're supposed to call him Boss. occasionally he will let us call him dad but since you're new we have to call him Boss and so will you for now. Ha, it's weird I know but who cares. I love that creepy man." Chucky giggles. I smile at Chucky, she blushes and turns her face away. She guides me to my new room and I observe the place. It's actually pretty nice and well kept, very big as well. It looks like a mansion. As I observe the place I hear a loud thud.
"GET OUT MY ROOM YOU DAMN PERVERT!" A woman shouts, I see she kicked someone out. As I kept looking that woman was Freddy, she got kicked out by a girl whose eyes was black and had white skin. She looked beautiful but intimidating in my opinion.
"Ahh I'm sorry hot stuff- I mean Jane!" Freddy replies with a fake sense of remorse.
Hm so that's her name, Jane.
"I don't care Freddy. You're a pervert, while I took a shower you creeped in trying to grope me. Luckily you don't have any balls for I would've cut them off." Jane replied angrily at Freddy. Freddy just laughs at Jane causing Jane to be more angry.
"Stop the commotion you two! We have our new killer and she shouldn't be seeing this! Set yourself up as a good example!" Chucky shouts. Jane blushes for she notices she is only in her towel she bows her head to show submission to Chucky. Jane quickly runs into her room.
"Hehe we meet again Parker." Freddy extracts her claws and using them to clean her teeth. She smirks at me whilst winking.

Authors note.

HEY LOVELIES! I finally updated Nightmare! Like I said I'll be updating and improving this book! I hope you all enjoy! I love you guys - Maya

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