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I decided I will not tell Thomas, hopefully she won't go nuts and end up chopping off my genitals like she did to her other victims, she is disgusting yet oddly adorable, she looks at me and grunts.
  I give her a crappy grin in return because I honestly don't feel like talking. I slam the door in her face. I know It's rude but I don't care. I need some time for myself considering my time with Chucky was a bit... bloody. I need to erase those thoughts from my mind dude, I wanted the moment to be romantic but oh my gosh did a plot twist happen.
I then hear a sudden bang on my door, I groan in annoyance hoping it isn't Thomas.
O and behold it's Thomas! The Dick Cutter! I give her a fake smile knowing this won't be good.
She starts to type rapidly like her fingers will fall off any minute, It's like she is screaming at me through her phone. That's funny ain't it ?


I raise my brow at her in confusion "Uh why are the plans canceled?" I ask with excitement but also confused. Thomas begins to type like there is no tomorrow like oh my goodness slow the hell down girl.
"Chucky is being more nice to you now. She knows your mother died there so she figured if she sent you there everyday you'd be tormented but her plan failed completely. Ever since I heard weird noises coming from your room her mood has changed into something better."

I snicker a little bit but also frown, tsk it seems Chucky loved and hated me since the beginning. That girl is honestly weird, I notice Chucky has a crap tone of mood swings so I'll take this opportunity to manipulate her emotions and use it for my benefit but at the same time I don't want to do that.
  "Clean up this world?" I ask with confusion, she giggles in return which is highly unexpected considering the fact Dick Cutter only grunts, groans and shouts I guess.
She yet again types like her fingers will break any second.
  "It is time to remove the bad guys from this world, delivering justice, it is time to get our revenge, we were once innocent children but evil beings took that away from us. it is time we get our shine back. this is the whole point of the Slendermen family and our adoption to clean up what was once dirty."
I look at her text message in Awe giving off a sly grin  and a fake round of applause but... as much as I love her little speech I'm not in the mood to do anything so I walked to my bed plopping my butt on my comfy anime body pillow until a strong force pulled me right back up.
  I am now officially pissed the hell off so I lift my right fist and before I could even swing, a strong, thick hand catches my hard punch. Quite frankly I'm impressed, I'm too tired to know who caught my punch considering the fact my eyes were slightly shut to begin with due to my sleepiness.
   I hear a loud grunt, so now I know it's Dick Cutter who caught my hand. I have mixed feelings about this girl. Well everyone in this household for that manner. I love them the next day and then later hate them the next. It's weird I know! No need to tell me because I don't care.
  Dick Cutter begins to grunt like crazy ha it sounds like she is having multiple orgasms... Although I could make that happen, I wonder what she's like in b-
  A loud, hard sting lands on my left cheek "DUDE WHAT THE HECK?!" I scream in agony, that was the worse slap I ever encountered.
  Dick Cutter simply giggles at my sudden pain, I sigh in annoyance- she roughly pulls on my collar, dragging me to her butcher room where I threw up.
  I now realize it is time to... clean up as she said before.
  Thomas waste no time tossing me a butcher knife. I successfully catch it and I observe the weapon. It's a dirty, rusty, bloody butcher knife. I wish she would clean it but apparently she wants her victims to get an infection before they die so their death will be more painful I guess? Who knows what goes on in her cannibalistic small brain.
  Thomas can't speak actual words since she is a mute, this 'clean up' will be frustrating. A mission with other people is all about team work and COMMUNICATION. No one has the time to send a text or write a piece of paper when you're trying to take out someone: that's too much work. Gosh I don't feel like thinking anymore about this, Thomas should be smart enough to come up with something.
  Thomas hands me a piece of paper, I read the letter analyzing every word, hoping to memorize her plan. Tsk, she isn't as dumb as I thought. At the end of the letter I notice how she wants to burn the piece of paper but I won't question her why, after I indicated to her I finished reading the paper. Thomas snatched the paper and burned it in a furnace.
  "Gosh that was rude." I say to her, I could've gotten a paper cut! She pulls onto the hem of my sleeve leading me into a deep part of the forest... so deep like you'll never find your way... out.

Aurhorsssdds noteeedeedke

"Ouuu!! what will happen next in that deep forest eh? what will thomas do with parker? ehhhh?? maybe a yandere thomas will appear wanting parker all to herself lying to parker about a mission but in reality she is trying to hide parker so she can have her all for herself HM??! or maybe they're gonna travel???!!!! WHO KNOWWSSSSSS." -Maya
"Mine." - Thomas
"Huh? Since when did i even give you the ability to speak?" - Maya

"Just now." - Thomas

"You're mine... author chan.." - Thomas

"Wait, this isn't in the script. WAIT HELP!" - Maya

*maya gets knocked out cold*

"Shh my little author, everything will be... alright. you're all.... mine now.." - Thomas

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