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I stare at Nina, she smiles at me and I gulp. I'm not in the mood for sex at the moment for I literally pounded the mess out of Jason. I need a break, hopefully Jason took birth control pills but if not I'd watch over our kid. Nina looks at me with innocent eyes, although her smile is very creepy since I've heard she sliced into her mouth, it's gross but she has a mental problem. Her eyes are cute, I have to admit. She isn't an ugly girl or anything, it's just she needs.. that help. I know some of her history and how that bad day of school really messed her over. I sigh and look away from Nina trying not to blush.
  "P-parker Chan?" She says quietly. I squeal a little bit, oh my goodness her voice is too CUTE!! She gently tugs on my dinosaur onesie while forming puppy eyes at me. It's hard to say no when she asked me for sex.
  "Nina-" Before I could say anything she pulls me into a passionate kiss. I pull her away gently.
  "Hey Nina. I can't right now, I'm a bit tired from earlier. Maybe next time?" I say nervously. She still has her puppy eyes but her eyes darken which scares me a bit. That creepy but cute smile she had turned into a frown. I scoot away from her waving goodbye. I then dash to my new room quickly shutting the door. I locked it quickly letting out a sigh of relief.
  "Thank goodness. I feel at ease, time for me to rest."  I say tiredly before drifting off to bed.

A voice groans very loudly while banging on my door. It's day time already? I don't want to get up so I'm laying back down.
  The voice groans again. I then hear a loud chainsaw which causes me to bolt right out of bed. I then see a girl with a chainsaw and a leather mask. It looks as if it was created out of human skin? Yep. Is this all this girl can do is yell, grunt and groan? I sigh while wiping my eyes. She puts away her weapon on my office chair. How nice of Boss to provide us with our own office.
"Good morning." I say to the woman with the mask, she only grunts at me. I look at her confused wondering why she can't speak. She must be mute or something. I shrug it off, I don't want to push her limits because she seems very mentally ill. I don't want to bother her too much. She then grabs a piece of paper from my dresser and a pencil. She begins to write something. Once she was finished she handed me the paper and I began to read it.

"My surname is Leather Face but you can call me Thomas, my full name is Thomas Brown Hewitt. I'm incapable of speaking because I am mute. But Boss has helped me to communicate with others by writing, he helped me read as well. Good morning Ms Parker. I've heard about you, It's nice to meet you. Hopefully we can be friends although I've never had any. Boss wanted me to wake you up so I can meet you and so you can be trained for the day. I'm skilled in butchering so therefore you will work with me today."

I frown at her words knowing she never had any friends. I wonder why but I'm not going to question her either. I don't want to trigger anything in her that will cause her to go mentally insane for I see that her mental health is worse than Ninas but surprisingly she is calm and nice towards me. I bet she isn't like this with Slendermens other adopted daughters. I then write back to her, she takes off her mask, my mouth is opened wide. I see a beautiful girl under a disgusting mask. Why not use cows and other animals besides deceased human skin? That's quite odd.
"So. Thomas what I gotta do in this mission? Actually hold that thought. Why does Boss want me to go on missions killing people? I don't get it. What's the point of that crap? I want to be free." I ask in frustration as much as I love Chucky and Jason I seriously don't want to be here. Especially since that Boss creep ordered Chucky to kidnap me.
Leather face grabs another piece of paper to write down her response. She grunts while handing me over the note.

"You're one of us, you ARE the daughter of Slenderman. You are not normal. Heh, what's the true definition of normal anyway? These missions are to train you and to bond with your adopted sisters. :) I know you want to be free but you'll be killed if you go out there. So keep cool, Boss isn't all mean you know? We can do fun things outsiders do as well. But Boss isn't really that mean, he wants all of us here because he adores and loves children. He stalks them sometimes it's weird but he doesn't do anything bad to them for he always wanted a child of his own. So that's how we came in the picture. As serious as Boss is he seriously loves the heck out of us!"

I smile at Thomas note, so I guess Boss isn't all that bad. I look back up at Thomas and she has her ugly mask on, I slightly frown for I really didn't like seeing it. It's disgusting, Imagine having a deceased human being on your face. The mask probably smells putrid.
  Thomas grabs my arms and leads me to a butcher room, I didn't even get to have time to wash up or change clothes!
As I look at the room I see so much blood everywhere. Well it's a butcher shop after all but it's clear Thomas doesn't butcher animals but rather... humans. Thomas grabs a piece a paper then hands it over to me. She seemed prepared when she wrote this. I guess she wrote it before I got here.

  "When I was younger, my great grandfather taught me how to butcher meat. That man was a father figure to me but sadly he passed away due to a murderer. Although I was severely mentally ill my great grandfather didn't treat me differently. Once he passed away I was put up for adoption, the family didn't like me as much so they abandoned me in a butchering shop. I remember the smell in the shop and it was putrid, the smell of death choked me.
  I remember a man, he was big and fat. Very tall, not to shabby, always wore a bloody apron. He smelled like blood a lot. I didn't question him about why he worse such disgusting items because I didn't care that much. But one day he took me in caressing my body. I was afraid, the man then took legal action so he could adopt me. He went further on from there, I still didn't question him for I thought this was normal for my biological father did this to me so it should be fine then I thought. I never knew my mother for she passed away while giving birth to me so she was never there to watch me grow. Papa later died for he gave me up to my great grandfather, my great grandfather died, I was adopted by a family which I've forgotten, then I was sexually abused by a terrible man. Luckily I wasn't raped by him I was only touched and many times he would try and force me to do oral but I managed to escape. Because of this he would beat me and cause terrible wounds on my body, the police caught him and arrested him. Later on when I got older I visited my abuser I tricked him into thinking he could live with me and be in good health while with me for his sentence was now ending. Fast forward to a couple of months he was with me. I finally get my revenge and stab him in his stomach. He looks at me with terror in his eyes as I've betrayed him. I only grunt at the man and laugh, I twist the knife in his stomach causing him to be even in more pain after that I cut open his stomach which revealed his intestines, I slit his throat as well. I took his intestines, minced them up so the intestines can be used as a burger later on, I served it to the old woman next door after I was done mutilating the man. She loved the burger although she didn't know I used human meat. I smiled at the old woman."

I look at the message in horror. I honestly couldn't finish reading it. I feel like throwing up, Thomas killed a man and served him as a burger thats seriously disgusting and sick.
  I handed Thomas back the letter, I didn't want to finish it.
Thomas grunts, sounded like a sad grunt because I didn't finish the letter but I didn't care. It was flat out disgusting.
  Thomas grabs my hand leading me to a meat fridge. I see human body parts on the hooks. I start to gag, Thomas gives me a quick nudge basically telling me to suck it up and shut up already but the room smells so bad.
  Thomas removes a leg from off of the hook to place it on a cutting board, she grabs a cleaver to cut up the human leg. The smell is so putrid luckily there is a trash can in the butchering room, I threw up in it.
  After Thomas was done chopping up the leg she wraps it up.
  "What will you use that meat for?" I ask.
Thomas pulls out a phone which I never knew she even had. She begins to type then hands over the phone.
"We will eat this for dinner. But for you.. you will have beef, chicken, pork and any other animal besides human remains. I know this disgust you but this is my taste. Some of my adopted sisters enjoy human meat as well while the others don't."

"What... the... HECK?!" I shout from the top of my lungs. I quickly dash out the butchering room and I ran as fast as I possibly could to my room. I quickly took off my dinosaur onesie and immediately took a shower.
  I could feel myself wanting to vomit in the shower, I hold my stomach and I prepare myself to vomit. Nothing comes out so I sigh. I get out the shower, brush my teeth. You know the normal hygiene routine.
  I get dressed, eh I didn't dress too shabby. I wear a pair of black jeans, an oversized white T-shirt and a pair of black slides. Nothing too fancy.
  I get out my room and BEHOLD! Slendercreep himself pops right in front of my damn face.
I just don't like this guy as much. Although the other girls say he is nice I simply don't give a damn. This creep ruined my future! I have mixed feelings about this guy.

Nightmare Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora