.~4: Liu Yu, Liu Zhang, Bo Yuan, and Zhang Jiayuan~.

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Just a little PSA: I did do my research and the legal age of drinking in China is 18 years old. Patrick will be 18 in October, but since I'm still uncomfortable writing about it he won't drink a lot.
To celebrate the beginning of INTO1, the group decided to have a party at house B the same night.

Only six people could attend though, since the other five were either tired of jet lag or wanted to spend time with their significant others.

Everyone else was on the floor talking with one another, laughing and singing. The party was calm until Bo Yuan arrived with a jar of post-it notes and alcohol.

"Who wants to play Truth or Drink-?" Bo Yuan excitedly asked.

"What's that?" Liu Yu asked

"Basically when it's your turn you pick out a post-it note from the jar. When you get the card, you gotta answer, but if you don't want the secret out, you gotta drink."

"This is a horrible idea," Zhang Jiyuan deadpanned. "Patrick isn't even the legal age to drink."

"I also don't wanna deal with your drunk asses." Liu Yu added.

"Patrick is almost 18, plus we can stop after 10 minutes. I'll make a cup with mostly water for him. Deal?" Bo Yuan reasoned.

"I'm fine if you guys are." Patrick spoke.

ZhouKeyu eyed him in worry before nodding. He would have to keep sober tonight in case something happened.

"ALRIGHT!! LET's DO THIS!" Bo Yuan screamed and sat down in the circle. He placed the jar in the middle and looked at everyone.

"So, who's going first?" Bo Yuan asked.

"I will," AK responded, getting a post-it out of the jar. " 'Are you scared of ghosts?' Oh my god, these are easier than I thought."

"You say that but you didn't answer the question." Zhang Jiyuan quipped.

AK's face showed horror as he nodded slightly. Everyone in the room started laughing.

"It's not funny! Who wouldn't be scared of those things?" AK screeched, trying to defend himself.

"Okay sure bud," Liu Yu said. "My turn...'Do you think someone in the room is hot?' Yes I do, it's me obviously like have you seen my outfit?"

Everyone groaned fondly at Liu Yu's comment. Next it was Patrick's turn.

"Alrighty.." Patrick said. He grabbed a post-it note out of the jar and read it aloud.

"'What's your relationship status right now?'"

Patrick's eyes widened as he read the post-it. ZhouKeyu next to him looked fine but on the inside he was freaking out.

This won't end well.

"Patrick, if it's taking you this long to answer, do you have something to tell us?" AK asked, which got him smacked in the head by Liu Yu in response.

"Ow! What the fuck?"

"Shut up, he will talk to us when he's ready- Patrick!"

Liu Yu couldn't finish his statement because Patrick grabbed his cup and drank it all.

"Hey I said sip not Bottoms Up!" Bo Yuan yelled.

"Well technically, you didn't say sip, which is why most of us assumed you meant Bottoms Up." Zhang Jiyuan responded.

Zhang Jiyuan and Bo Yuan continued to argue until they heard a giggle from Patrick.

And that's when they knew, they fucked up.

Patrick's face was completely pink and he looked completely out of it. He started giggling at the fight but then when he realized everyone was looking at him, he started crying.

Everyone panicked, not knowing how to calm him down. If he continues to cry, then Nine will appear asking what's wrong.

Nine is very protective of Patrick, if he found out that the group made him drink, they were dead. And believe it or not, everyone else likes their life.

"I told you this was a dumb idea!" Liu Yu shouted, hitting Bo Yuan in the head.

"I didn't think he'd be that much of a lightweight like yourself!" Bo Yuan quipped back.

"'Lightweight?' I'll show you fucking lightweight!" Liu Yu yelled, climbing on him. He was pulled back by AK and Zhang Jiyuan.

"CHILL, LIU YU CHILL!" AK screamed, hoping to knock some sense into him.

Liu Yu and Bo Yuan continued to argue while Zhang Jiyuan and AK tried to calm them down.

Everyone stopped talking when they heard something Patrick said.

"ZhouKeyu my boyfriend!"

It became so quiet so fast.

"What did you say Patrick?" AK asked, getting his phone out to record.

"I saids...ZhouKeyu my boyfriend! Mine!" Patrick said proudly.

Everyone was laughing and ZhouKeyu's face was entirely red.

"ZhouKeyu do you have an answer to that?" Liu Yu asked.

ZhouKeyu just looked at the clock on the wall and made an excuse. "Wow it's 2 in the morning, I'll go bring Patrick to his bed." ZhouKeyu picked Patrick up and started walking up the stairs, ignoring Patrick's whines while doing so.

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